Evaluate a polynomial Assignment Help

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Evaluate a polynomial

 Polynomial: The polynomial means an algebraic equation consisting of many terms involving powers of the variable.

Standard form of the polynomial is:

p(x) = a0+a1x+a2x2+a3x3+.................+anxn

Here p(x) is a function of the set of the real number and a0, a1, a2......an are real number and n is a non negative integer, and is called polynomial in x over reals.

Degree of polynomial: The highest term, which is present in the expression of the algebraic function, is called degree of the polynomial.


Zero degree polynomial                                                (0x3+0x2+0x+0)

One-degree polynomial                                                (x+3, 5x+6,4x+10)

Second-degree polynomial                         (x2+x+5, x2+6x+6)

Third degree polynomial                               (x3+x2+x+6,x3+1)             


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Take the value of the variable x and the value of the real number.

Step 3: Assign sum as zero.

Step 4. Evaluate the given expression just writing the expression.

Step 5: Print the value of the sum.

Step 6: Stop.

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