Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Effect of ERP on the Company >> Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

An organization can satisfy its customers only when it can provide them the products and services which meet or exceed their expectations. The management should periodically ask itself the following questions:

  • Do the products and services offered by the organization, include the features that are perceived to be valuable by customers?
  • Is the organization responding to customers' demands in a timely manner?
  • Do customers perceive the organization's products and services as high quality products and services?
  • Is the firm delivering the products with the desired specifications on time and at no extra charge to the customer?

The ERP system helps organizations produce customized products at the same cost and within the same time as products manufactured on a large scale. Hence, the customer can buy products with the desired features in the shortest possible time without paying additional charges. Web-enabled ERP systems enable customers to place orders, track the real-time status of the orders, make the payment and obtain technical support in case any problem arises - all from their desktops. As technology advances, ERP systems are expected to further improve customer satisfaction by offering more convenience and customer support.

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