Electron & Properties of Cathode Rays Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Composition of Atom >> Electron & Properties of Cathode Rays

Electron (-1eo)

         (1) It was discovered by the scientist J.J. Thomson (1897) and it is negatively charged particle. Electron is a component particle of the cathode rays.

         (2) Cathode rays were discovered by the William Crooke's & J.J. Thomson (in the year1880) by making use of a cylindrical hard glass tube fitted with the two metallic electrodes. The tube has a side tube with the stop cock. This tube was called as discharge tube. They passed electricity (10,000V) through the discharge tube at very low pressure (which is 10-2 to10-3 mm Hg. Blue rays were emitted from the cathode. These rays were termed as the Cathode rays.

         (3) Properties of Cathode rays are given below

         (i)   The Cathode rays travel in the straight line and has a straight path.

         (ii)  Cathode rays produce the mechanical effect, as they can rotate the wheel placed in the path they are travelling through.

         (iii) Cathode rays comprise of negatively charged particles called as electron.

         (iv) Cathode rays travel with the high speed approaching the speed that of light (ranging between 10-9 to 10-11 cm/sec)

         (v)  Cathode rays can create fluorescence.

         (vi)   The Cathode rays heat the particular object on which they are falling due to the transfer of kinetic energy to that object.

         (vii)  When the cathode rays fall on the solids such as Cu, X-rays are produced from them.

         (viii) Cathode rays acquire the ionizing power that is they ionize the gas through which they are passing.

         (ix) The cathode rays produce the phenomenon of scintillation on the photographic plates.

         (x) They can penetrate and pass through the thin metallic sheets.

         (xi) The nature of these rays does not rely upon the nature of gas or cathode material used in the discharge tube.

         (xii)         The e/m (charge to mass ratio) for the cathode rays was found to be the same as that for the e- (-1.76 * 108 coulomb per gram coloumb per gm). Therefore, the cathode rays are the stream of electrons.

(xiii)        According to the Einstein's theory of the relativity, mass of an electron in the motion is given by,  1340_Electron.png   

Where u = velocity of electron, c= velocity of light.

         When    u=c  than mass of moving electron = 1935_Electron1.png 

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