Economic Interpretation of Dual
Suppose the primal problem is that of maximization of the total net revenue with give cost outlay. The dual would be that of minimization of costs for the given output.
Consider the following production problem.
A furniture firm specializes in the production of three products chairs tables and bookshelves. The three products require in main wood and labour whose supplies are limited. The technological requirement of production and resource availabilities are shown in the following table.
Chair table Bookshelf Available
Units of woods required a11 a12 a13 r1
Units of labour required a21 a22 a23 r2
Price/unit p1 p2 p3
Let x1,x2,x3 denote the number of chairs, table and boodkshelves to be produced by a furniture firm. The mathematical formulation of the above problem is :
A11x1 +a12x12 +a13x13 < r1; a21x1 +a22x2 + a23x3 < r2
Xj > 0; j = 1,2,3.
In other words, we wish to answer the resource allocation problem: how should the limited resources of wood and labour, given as r1 and r2 be allocated among the three products so as to produce certain quantities of those products, x1,x2 and x3 whereby at the given prices p1,p2and p3 of the products, the total revenue from the sale of the products would be maximized?
To dual of the above problem would be:
Minimize Z* = r1y1+ r2y2 subject to the constraints:
A11y1 +a21y2 > p1; a12y1> p2; a13 y3 +a23y3> p3
Y1> 0; I = 1,2.
To interpret this dual problem, we must try to understand what interpretation is to be given to the variables y1 and y2. Consider the first inequality.
A11y1 + a21y2 > p1
P1 is the price or unit value of a chair. A11 and a21 are the quantities of wood and labour required to produce one chair. Since p1 is expressed in money terms and a11 and a21 are in physical terms, to make both sides of the inequality comparable, we must convert the left-hand side of the inequality also in money terms. Y1 and y2 may thus be regarded as the price or unit value of wood and labour respectively. A11y1 thus represents the value of wood used to produce a single chair and a21 y2 the value of labour used for producing a single chair. The left-hand side of the first inequality is thus the total value of the resources required to produce a chair.
The first inequality therefore means that the total value of the inputs required to produce a chair must be a least equal to the price of the chair, a similar interpretation can be given to the second and third inequalities corresponding to the table and bookshelf.
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