Economic Interpretation of the Optimum Simplex Solution, Assignment Help

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Economic Interpretation of the Optimum Simplex solution. Following economic interpretation can be made for various terms involved in the optimal simplex solution.

1.      Values of the variables appearing in product mix column are given in the quantity column against them. All variables which do not appear in the product mix column are assumed to have zero value. In the case of slack variables. If some of them appear in the solution. it means there is some unutilized capacity/resource, otherwise there is no unused capacity/resource.

2.      Number 'aj' in the coefficient matrix indicate the marginal rate of exchange between the variables in the row and column.

3.      Number in index row are known as the shadow prices or accounting prices. Thus a positive (or negative) number in the index row indicates an algebraic reduction (or increment) in the objective function if one unit of the variable at the head of that column, were introduced in the basis (solution).

If under any column of the body matrix at the optimum solution Cj-Zj = 0 then it is an indication of the existence of alternative optimal solution (s).

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