Distributed systems Assignment Help

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Distributed systems:

A distributed system is a collection of computers at different locations, connected by communications links. The functions and data of the system are distributed across these computers, which are known as hosts. The internet is an enormous distributed system - most distributed systems are much smaller and typically serve the needs of one company or department within an organization.

Advantages and disadvantages of distributed systems

There are a number of reasons why computer systems are distributed and they are as follows.

  • Efficiency: By placing data close to a user, access to that data can be fast. For example, an ecommerce system that keeps stock details of all the products sold by a collection of department stores could keep data relating to each individual store on the local computer found at a store, rather than in some central computer. 
  • Ease of upgrading: When demands on a system grow, more processing power and storage are usually required. A distributed system can cope with this relatively easily by having more and more computers added to it.
  • Reliability. A distributed system can be developed in which some of the hosts in the system can act as a backup to other hosts in case they malfunction, thus helping to maintain a continuous service.
  • Ability to support a number of platforms: A distributed system that communicates via a set of standard protocols such as those found in the internet can be built up from a number of computers running a variety of platforms, for example Linux, Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Hence there are a number of persuasive reasons for organizing a system in a distributed fashion. There are however drawbacks, which are as follows.
  • Performance: If not designed properly, distributed systems can suffer from poor performance: the connections between hosts in a distributed system are a number of orders of magnitude slower than the internal wiring speeds of a computer.
  • Security: The internet is an open system. Consequently, security can be a major problem: not only are the details of the various protocols used in the internet public, but also the messages sent over the internet usually traverse publicly accessible communication lines. It is also easier for viruses and other undesirable software to spread across a distributed system.


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