FA M, L(M) is a regular language
Proof: Let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q1, F) be an FA, where Q={qi| 1 ≤ i ≤ n} for some positive integer n.
Suppose R(i, j, k) be the set of all strings in the drive M from state qi to state qj while passing through any state ql , for l ≤ k. (i and j can be any states)
We prove that L(M) is the regular language by illustrating that there is a usual expression consequent to L(M), by induction.
Basis: R(i, j, 0) corresponds to a regular expression a if i≠ j and a + ε if i= j for some a∑∈.
Induction hypotheses: Suppose R(i, j,k-1) correspond to a usual expression, for any i, j, k≤n.
Induction step:
corresponds to a regular expression as R(i, j, k-1), R(i, k, k-1), R(k, k, k-1) and R(k, j, k-1) correspond to some regular expressions and union, concatenation, and Kleene's star are permitted in regular expressions. Therefore, L(M) is a regular language as L(M) = + R(1, f, n) for all qf in F.
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