Declaring constants: the keyword final Assignment Help

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Declaring constants: the keyword final:

Most languages have a way of stating that a value cannot be changed. In Java, it is the keyword final. When you precede an identifier name with the word final, it means that once its value is specified, nothing in your code can change (or attempt to change) its value. Thus the declaration:

static final int MAX_VALUE = 12;

declares a constant MAX_VALUE with the value 12. We will adopt the convention that identifiers for constants are written in upper-case letters, with words separated by an underscore character. 

The constant MAX_VALUE is a class variable, because it is declared using the keyword static. It is common for constants to be static, because many such values are 'universal' (for example, the speed of light, or the value of pi) and it would not make sense for objects to be able to decide the value themselves. The example of PI, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, also uses final. In the Math class you will find:

public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846; 

It makes sense that PI is all of these things. It is public because we wish it to be available to other classes, it is static because it has one value for all objects of the class, and it is final because pi is a constant. It is double because that is the most  accurate decimal representation we can use. 

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