Datagram communication Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Internet programming In Java >> Datagram communication

Datagram communication:

Earlier in this unit, you met the concept of a connectionless transport service when the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) was introduced. You will remember that such a mechanism can be error prone but is fast. Java contains a number of facilities for datagram transport. The class DatagramPacket defines objects that will contain the data to be sent using UDP. The class DatagramSocket implements connectionless message sending: it is a mechanism for launching datagram packets into the internet and for listening to incoming datagrams addressed to a particular port number.

In order to show how these facilities work we will look at a simple client and a simple server. The client just sends a number of messages to the server, which displays each message on System.out.

One of the complications of datagram transport is that all communication is via fixed­ length byte buffers: what is sent by one entity is received exactly by another entity, including any padding at the end of the buffer.

In the example below, we send a string and have allocated a fixed-size buffer to hold the string. The data in the packet is simply the string, converted to byte format; the UDP packet header contains, amongst other things, the length of the data. The server can then extract enough information to enable it to retrieve the string from each packet it receives.


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