Current–voltage characteristics of Ebers Moll Model Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Large-signal model-Ebers–Moll model >> Current–voltage characteristics of Ebers Moll Model

Current-voltage characteristics

The following assumptions are involved when deriving ideal current voltage characteristics of BJT

  • Low level injection
  • Uniform doping in each region with the abrupt junctions
  • One dimensional current
  • Negligible recombination generation in the space charge regions
  • Negligible electric fields outside the space charge regions.

It is important to characterize minority diffusion currents induced by the injection of carriers. With regard to the PN junction diode, a key relation is diffusion equation.

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A solution of this equation is given below, and two boundary conditions are used to solve and find C1 and C2.

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The following equations apply to emitter and collector region, respectively, and origins 0, 0', and 0'' apply to base, collector, and emitter.

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A boundary condition of emitter is given below:

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The values of constants A1 and B1 are zero because of the following conditions of emitter and collector regions as 1090_current voltage characteristics6.png and 1426_current voltage characteristics7.png.

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Because A1 = B1 = 0, values of ΔnE(0'') and Δnc(0') are A2 and B2, respectively.

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Expressions of IEn and ICn can be evaluated.

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Because insignificant recombination takes place, the second derivative of ΔpB(x) is zero. There is therefore a linear relationship among excess hole density and x.

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Following are the boundary conditions of ΔpB.

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Substitute into above linear relation.

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With this result, now derive value of IEp.

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Use expressions of IEp, IEn, ΔpB(0), and ΔpB(W) to develop an expression of emitter current.

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Likewise, an expression of collector current is derived.

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An expression of base current is found with previous results.

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When base collector voltage reaches a certain value, base collector depletion region boundary meets the base-emitter depletion region boundary. When in this state transistor effectively has no base. The device loses all gain when in this state.

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