CPU Protection Assignment Help

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CPU Protection

Additionally to protecting I/O and memory, we should ensure that the operating system maintains the control. We should prevent the user program from getting stuck in an never-ending loop or not calling system services and never returning control to CPU. To achieve this we can use a time r, which interrupts the CPU after specified period of time to ensure that the operating system maintains the control. The timer period might be variable or fixed. A fixed-rate clock and the counter are used to put into practice the variable timer. The OS initializes the counter with the positive value. The counter is decreased every clock tick by the clock interrupt service schedule. When the counter reaches the value 0, a timer interrupt is generated which transfers control from the current process to the next scheduled process. Hence we can use the timer to prevent a program from running too long. In the most of the straight forward case, the timer could be set to interrupt every N millisecond, where N is the time slice that each process is allowed to execute before the next process gets control over CPU. The OS is invoking at the ending of each time segment to perform number of housekeeping tasks.

An additional use of the timer is to calculate the current time. A timer interrupt signals the passage of some time period, permitting the OS to calculate the current time in reference to the primary time. Load-timer is a advantaged instruction.

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