Context-Free Languages as Least Fixed-Points Assignment Help

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Context-Free Languages as  Least Fixed-Points:

Given a context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, P, S) with m nonterminals A1 ,... Am, grouping all the productions having same left-hand side, the grammar G can be written as

A1  α1,1  + ··· + α1,n1 ,

···  ··· 

Ai αi,1  + ··· + αi,ni ,

···  ··· 

Am αm,1 + ··· + αm,nn .

Given any set A, let Pfin (A) be the set of finite subsets of A.

Definition: Let G = (V, Σ, P, S) be a context-free grammar with m nonterminals A1.. ., Am. For any m-tuple Λ = (L1 ,..., Lm) of languages Li Σ*, we define the function

inductively as stated:

Φ[Λ]()= ,

Φ[Λ]({ })= { },

Φ[Λ]({a})= {a},       if a Σ,

Φ[Λ]({Ai })= Li,       if Ai N ,

Φ[Λ]({αX })= Φ[Λ]({α})Φ[Λ]({X }),         if α V+X V,

Φ[Λ](Q {α})= Φ[Λ](QΦ[Λ]({α}),        if Q Pfin (V ), Q = , α V*, α / Q.

Then, writing grammar G as follows

A1  → α1,1  + ··· α1,n1 ,

···  ··· 

Ai → αi,1  + ··· αi,ni ,

···  ··· 

Am → αm,1 + ··· αm,nn .

we may define the map

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so that

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One should verify that map Φ[Λ] is well defined, but this is simple. The following lemma is shown easily:

Lemma: Given a context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, P, S) with m nonterminals A1 , .. .Am, map

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is ω-continuous.

Now, 2287_Context-Free Languages as Least Fixed-Points3.png is an ω-chain complete poset, and map Φis ω-continous. Thus, by lemma, the map Φhas a least-fixed point.  It turns out that the components of this least fixed-point are precisely the languages generated by the grammars (V, Σ, P, Ai ). Before giving this fact, there is an example explaning  it.

Example. Consider the grammar G = ({A, B, a, b}, {a, b}, P, A) can be defined by the rules

A BB  + ab,

B aBb + ab.

The least fixed-point of ΦG is least upper bound of the chain

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By induction, we can prove that the 2 components of the least fixed-point are the languages

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Letting GA  = ({A, B, a, b}, {a, b}, P, A) and GB = ({A, B, a, b}, {a, b}, P, B), it is indeed true that L= L(GA) and LB  = L(GB).

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