Context-free grammars and languages Assignment Help

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Context-Free Grammars:

A context-free grammar basically consists of a finite set of grammar rules. To define grammar rules, we suppose that we have two kinds of symbols: the terminals, which are the symbols of the alphabet underlying languages under consideration, and nonterminals, which act like variables ranging over strings of terminals. A rule is of the form A α, where A is a single nonterminal, and the right-hand side α is a string of terminal and nonterminal symbols.  As usual, first we are required to define what the object is (a context-free grammar), and then we are required to explain how it is used. Unlike automata, grammars are used to create strings, rather than recognize them.

Definition: A context-free grammar is a quadruple G = (V, Σ, P, S), where

V is a finite set of symbols known as vocabulary (or set of grammar symbols);

Σ V is the set of terminal symbols (for the short, terminals);

S (V - Σ) is a designated symbol known as start symbol;

P (V - Σ) × V* is a finite set of productions (or rewrite rules,).

The set N = V - Σ is known as set of nonterminal symbols (for short, nonterminals).  Therefore, P N × V*, and every production A, α is denoted as A α.  A production of the form A   is known as epsilon rule.

Remark :   Context-free  grammars  are defined  as G  = (VN , VT , P, S). The correspondence with definition is that Σ = VT  and N = VN , so that V = VN VT . Therefore, in this other definition, it is essential to assume that VT  VN  = .

Example 1: G1  = ({E, a, b}, {a, b}, P, E), where P is the set of rules

E -aEb,

E -ab.

This grammar generates the language L1= {anbn| n 1}, which is not regular.

Example 2: G2 = ({E, +, , (, ), a}, {+, , (, ), a}, P, E), here P is the set of rules

E -E + E,

E -E E,

E -(E),

E -a.

This grammar generates the set of arithmetic  expressions.


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