Computer System - An Overview Assignment Help

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Computer System - Overview

Evolution of computer

The first device to be qualified as a computing tool was the abacus. The abacus was a wooden rack with parallel rods on which beads were strung. The abacus was used for making additions and subtractions. It enabled the users to represent numbers by positioning the beads on the rack. In 1694, Blaise Pascal invented the first digital calculating machine which could add up numbers that were entered by turning dials.
Charles Babbage invented an analytical engine in 1842 which was intended to be completely automatic. It was an automatic calculating machine that was powered by steam. Also, during this period, Herman Hollerith developed the concept of punched cards which are used till date as input media in modern digital computers. Table 1.1 illustrates the trends in computer system capabilities.
In 1944, Howard H. Aiken of Harvard University collaborated with IBM to release the first fully automatic calculating machine named the Mark 1 computer. Also called as the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), the computer was based on the techniques that had already been developed for the punched card machinery. The Mark 1 computer proved to be extremely reliable. However, it was huge and had a very complex design.

Table 1.1: Major Trends in Computer System Capabilities


First Generation

Second Generation

Third Generation

Fourth Generation

Fifth Generation


1940 - 56

1956 - 63

1963 - 71

1971 - 91

1991 and Beyond

Number of Computers

Few thousands

Tens of thousands

Hundreds of thousands




Vacuum tubes or Electronic valves


Integrated circuits



Large scale integrated (LSI) circuits

Very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits

Ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits

Parallel processing

Technology for Memory

Mercury delay lines

Magnetic drums

Electrostatic storage tubes

Magnetic core

Magnetic disks

LSI semiconductor memory

Magnetic disks

Optical disk

VLSI semiconductor memory

Magnetic disks

Optical disk

Types of Languages

Machine language

Assembly language




High Level Languages such as Pascal and


Command line operating systems



Command line interface

Graphical user interface


Input/Output Devices

Punched cards

Punched cards

Magnetic tape






Handheld devices

Voice recognition devices

Handwriting recognition

Wireless devices

Input Media

Punched cards, Paper tapes

Punched cards


Keyboard, Pointing devices, Scanners, Digitizers

Voice recognition, Handwriting recognition, Speech, Touch devices

Output Media

Punched Cards, Printed Reports and Documents

Punched Cards, Printed Reports and Documents

Printed Reports and Documents Video Displays

Video Displays, Audio Responses, Printed Reports and Documents

Video Displays, Voice Responses, Hyperlinked Multimedia Documents

Primary Storage Media

Magnetic Drum

Magnetic Core

Magnetic Core

LSI Semiconductor Memory

VLSI Semiconductor

Secondary Storage Media

Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Drum

Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Disk, Optical Disk

Optical Disk, Magnetic Disk



Mainframe-based Networks

of Video Terminals

Mainframe and Minicomputer-

based Networks

Local Area and Client/Server


The Internet, Intranet, and Extranet





IBM 401


IBM 360

IBM 370

Apple II





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