Compounds of Silver, d-block Elements Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Silver >> Compounds of Silver, d-block Elements

Compounds of Silver:

(1) Silver oxide (Ag2O): It is unstable and decomposes into Ag and O2 on slow heating.

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(2) Silver halides (AgF, AgCl, AgBr and Agl) : Only AgF is soluble in H2O. AgCl is insoluble in H2O but dissolves in NH4OH, Na2S2O3 and KCN solutions. AgBr is partly soluble whereas AgI is completely insoluble in NH4OH. Except AgF, all the remaining three silver halides are photosensitive.

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(3) Silver nitrate (AgNO3) : Silver nitrate (AgNO3) is called lunar caustic silver nitrate on heating above its melting point (485 K) decomposes to silver nitrite but on heating to red heat gives silver.

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When treated with alkali, AgNO3 forms silver oxide which in case of NH4OH dissolves to form complex ion.

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AgNO3 reacts with iodine in two ways

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In contact with organic matter (skin, cloth, paper etc.) AgNO3 is reduced to metallic silver (black)

938_compounds of silver5.pngoxidises organic matter

AgNO3 gives different coloured ppt. with different anions like  1578_compounds of silver6.png  etc.

AgNO3 can be used in preparation of the ink and hair dyes.


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