Collaborative work management tools Assignment Help

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Collaborative Work Management Tools

Collaborative work management tools help people manage group activities. These tools include calendaring and scheduling tools, task and project management tools/systems, workflow systems, document sharing, and knowledge management systems.

Calendaring and Scheduling Tools

These packages enable the user to use electronic versions of a variety of office tools such as the calendar, appointment book, address book, and contact list. These tools are an extension of many of the features provided by time management software such as desk accessory packages and mainframe office automation systems. Calendaring and scheduling tools are included in packages like Novell GroupWise, Netscape Communicator, and Microsoft Exchange. They automatically check the electronic calendar of team members to enquire about the open time slots, propose alternative meeting times, schedule team meetings or appointments, and notify and remind participants by e-mail.

Task and Project Management

Project management groupware helps project teams work together and keep track of the deadlines. Some examples of project management groupware are Microsoft Project, Lotus Organizer, and CA - Super Project. These tools not only produce project schedules and program reports, but also send automatic reminders of due dates for project tasks. They also produce charts to plan and track projects. Tasks and project management software also help in drawing graphs and charts. Project management groupware helps generate Gantt charts[i]. Charts that use network methodologies like the PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique)[ii] and the CPM (Critical Path Method)[iii] can also be generated.

Workflow Systems

Workflow systems help users collaborate with each other to accomplish and manage tasks within a knowledge-based business process. Workflow systems are generally based on rules that govern the flow of tasks. For example, one could fill an electronic application form for a bank loan at a bank's website. The loan officer then talks to the person and routes the application to another loan specialist's networked PC for credit checking and preparation of additional forms and applications. Finally, the application is rerouted electronically to the loan officer's workstation where the loan decision can be taken. Such capabilities are found in groupware like Novell GroupWise, Lotus Notes, and Microsoft Exchange. As this is a type of electronic document processing, this is also called document image management.

Document Sharing

At times, the personal presence of a team member will not be required as much as his/her work and materials. Document sharing is a collaborative work management tool that enables a person to access the files of team members and keep track of their work schedules. Document sharing is a very useful tool, especially in situations where the team members are located at distant places but are working on the same project. More complex document sharing tools perform workflow functions. These tools route the documents from one person to another automatically for review or approval.
Knowledge Management Systems

Every organization possesses a large volume of knowledge pertaining to products and services, customers, markets, production, and research. This knowledge may be extensively dispersed across the different divisions and branches of the organization. Knowledge in an organization may be in the form of memos, letters, faxes, databases, spreadsheets, presentations, and documents. Knowledge management is the process by which these resources are identified, accessed, enhanced, and protected through the use of advanced technology and user-friendly portals. Following are the benefits of a knowledge management system:

  • It eliminates the duplication of tasks.
  • It helps organizations fully utilize the knowledge and skills of employees.
  • It improves communication, reduces costs, and helps gain competitive advantage.
  • It helps build strong customer relationships and enhances customer loyalty.
  • It unlocks the potential of the unique knowledge resources and helps harness their power.


For example, ‘Livelink' intranet groupware helps the user create a document management library at an intranet website. This enables the user to check in and check out project documents of all kinds, and use a browser and search engine to find the required project information. This groupware also has a version control capability which helps team members manage multiple versions of project documents prepared or revised over a period of time.

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