Challenges in MIS Implementation Assignment Help

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Challenges in MIS Implementation:

The implementation of an MIS can be a traumatic experience. At a minimum, changes in procedures will impact the ways in which plans are made, programs are developed, and performance is evaluated within the organization. New patterns of communication will emerge, and new information will be available for decision-making and administrative responsibilities. Efforts to improve the MIS may also uncover the need for organizational changes, which may be even more unsettling than the procedural changes required for implementing the system. The introduction of the MIS may bring about substantial changes in the established way of doing business, which can generate significant resistance from those within the organization.

The driving force behind a new system must come from the top management. It is unlikely that a majority of operating managers will voluntarily embrace a new system. Responsible managers in the organization must be willing to devote sufficient time and effort to fully understanding the general concepts and objectives of the MIS. They must explain how these procedures will help the employees and the organization as a whole. If problems arise during the design and implementation of these procedures, the top management must listen to conflicting viewpoints and then take decisions to resolve such problems and remove any impediments. The organization's leadership may also have to convince external interest groups, which may otherwise try to prevent the adoption of such systems.

The installation of a new system is a political process. It involves pressure, persuasion, and compromise as in the case of any important political action. Operating managers are more likely to support the system if they are convinced that it will help them function better and carry out their responsibilities. The new system should provide operating managers with better information about the activities and performance of those staff members for whom they are responsible. With this information, the operating managers can have a better basis for directing and controlling the efforts of subordinates.
It may not be feasible to install an MIS across the whole organization all at once. Organizations may concentrate initially on those departments in which the results of improvement will be most visible. Success in one department can lower resistance and increase acceptance throughout the organization.

It is difficult to accurately estimate the time period required to successfully design and implement an MIS. In large organizations, it may take two or three years to decide, initiate, and implement a new system. There will be some important modifications that can be made. However, if the management were to allow enough time for fine-tuning the efforts, the system may never be implemented.

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