Biased Clipper
At times it is required to remove a small portion of positive or negative ha lf cycles of signal voltage. The biased clippers are employed for this particular purpose. The circuit diagram for the biased negative clipper (that is for removing a small portion of each negative half cycle) is illustrated in figure (a).
![1049_biased negative clipper.png](
Biased Negative Clipper
The action of circuit is explained as follows. When input signal voltage is positive, diode D is reverse-biased and behaves like open-switch, the positive half cycle appears across the load, as shown in output waveform [figure (a)]. When input signal voltage is negative but does not exceed the battery voltage V, the diode D remains reverse biased and most of input voltage appears across the output. During the negative half cycle of input signal, the signal voltage exceeds the battery voltage V, diode D is forward biased which is conducts heavily. The output voltage is equal to - V and stays at - V as long as input signal voltage is greater than the battery voltage V in magnitude. Hence a biased negative clipper removes input voltage when input signal voltage exceeds battery voltage. Clipping can be changed by reversing battery and diode connections, as shown in the figure (b).
![1060_biased positive clipper.png](
Biased Positive Clipper
Some of the other biased clipper circuits are given as follows in the figure. While drawing wave- shape of the output basic principle discussed above are there. The diode is considered as an ideal one.
![480_biased clipper circuit.png](
Biased Clipper Circuits
Different Clipping Circuits
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