Assembly Language
Assembly level language is written just like as English words. English words, such as MOV, ADD, SUB etc. Assembly language is easy to write and understand and also it is not portable. Assembly language is written in mnemonics. MOV, ADD, SUB, CMP is known as mnemonics.
Advantages of assembly language
1. The computation time of an assembly language program is less comparison to the high level language.
2. An assembly language program runs faster to produce the desired result.
Disadvantages of assembly language
1. Programming is difficult and time consuming.
2. Assembly language is also machine dependent.
3. The program written in assembly language for one computer cannot be used in any other computer, i.e. the assembly language program is not portable. Each processor has its own instruction sets and hence its own assembly language.
4. An assembly language program contains more instructions as compared to high-level language program.