Application using Swing API
SwingXSwingLabs is an open source application using Swing API aiming extensions to the Java Swing GUI toolkit. It contains a collection of potential and useful fun Swing components. Each of the Swing components have been broadened, rendering data-aware functionality out of the box. Some new useful elements have been created for instance: JXDatePicker, JXImagePanel and JXTaskPane. It major constituents are listed below:
a) Highlighting for tables,filtering, sorting, trees and lists
b) Search or Find
c) Auto-completion
d) Login or authentication framework
e) TreeTable component
f) Collapsible panel component
g) Date picker component
h) Tip of the day component
The purpose of the project is to experimentation of enhanced GUI functionality that are expected for Rich client applications. It pretends as a testbed for thoughts associated to client side technologies.
Integration into Java API
Successful project components are eventually integrated into the core Swing toolkit for future versions of Java, although API compatibility is not assured. Some instances are listed below:
a) The GroupLayout manager in Java SE 6.
b) Incorporation of the SystemTray in Java SE 6.
c) The new Desktop class in Java SE 6, which permits to establish easily linked applications registered on the native desktop.
For example:
a) Launch of user-default mail client.
b) Launch of user-default browser.
c) Launching a registered application to edit, open and print a specified file.
TheSwingX-WS project brings in a set of JavaBeans and APIs for interacting with web technologies within Swing applications. Some of them are listed below:
org.jdesktop.http: An API for working with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
org.jdesktop.dom: Comprises API for implying working with DOM.
org.jdesktop.swingx: Comprises the JXMapViewer component, a Google maps similar to component for Swing.
org.jdesktop.http.async: Code for working with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in an unsynchronized manner. comprises an all Java version of the revered XmlHttpRequest object.
1. org.jdesktop.html.form: Utilities and API for working with HTML forms.
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