Animation Assignment Help

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Now that you are able to produce images using lines, geometric shapes and colours, the natural next step is to look at producing images with the appearance of motion - that is, animation. The basic technique is to paint an image onto the screen and then paint a slightly different image onto the screen. If the changes between each image are sufficiently small and the repainting is done quickly enough, then the appearance of smooth motion can be achieved due to the 'persistence of vision' effect.

There are two main techniques for producing moving images. One approach, which we pursue here, is to generate each image as required. On a large scale this is computationally expensive but for the small images we use it is not a problem. This approach does have the advantage that the entire 'movie' is contained in the program code, which can then be sent to any Java-enabled device, such as a mobile phone. It also has the advantage of being able to react to user events that could not be anticipated beforehand.

The second approach to producing moving images is to have the individual images pre­ prepared and then to load up each image and display it in turn. Each individual image could be a digitized 'real' image or have been generated by a computer (or some mixture of the two). This approach has the advantage that huge amounts of time can be spent on generating each image and all that is needed is the computing power to recall and display each image. This is the approach taken by the film industry and we will touch lightly on it.

We will look at a simple example that illustrates the potential of the first approach.


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