Accessing array data in array Assignment Help

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Accessing array data in array:

As before, we can refer to an item using the index enclosed in square brackets after the name of the array. For example, the fragment of code shown below adds the second and third items in the array holder and places the result in the int variable result.

int i = 1;
int result;
result = holder [i]+ holder [i + 1];

(After this, result holds the value 5, obtained by adding 2 + 3.)We can also use the array data to update itself or another array:

holder [1] = holder [1] * holder [2]; // Figure 9

The meaning of this is that the array values at indexes 1 and 2 are accessed and multiplied, to give 6. This value is then stored at index 1. The result is shown in Figure.



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