Assignment Document

Strategic Marketing Plan



  • "Strategic marketing plan1 Table of ContentsIntroduction ................................................................................................................................ 3Swot analysis ...................................................

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  • "Strategic marketing plan1 Table of ContentsIntroduction ................................................................................................................................ 3Swot analysis ............................................................................................................................. 4Marketing objectives .................................................................................................................. 5Target segment ........................................................................................................................... 6Market strategy .......................................................................................................................... 8Financial projections ................................................................................................................ 11Controls .................................................................................................................................... 13Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 14Reflective statement ................................................................................................................. 15References ................................................................................................................................ 16Appendices ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 IntroductionIn this report, there is a brief discussion on an organisation named MAMA. MAMA isbasically a postpartum care hotel where the new moms can go for check-ups and also to takeproper rest. The business is totally a new concept as the trend of the postpartum services areincreasing day by day and the women are busy with their work and also have a very busy life.The joining of the workplace of the women after giving birth to a child leads to improper careof the mother and to take proper care postpartum hotels are made. MAMA is also a kind ofbusiness, which is going to be established in the Switzerland, and the marketing plan inrelation to the business is detailed in the assignment. The organisation will deliver variousservices to the moms such as nourishment and quality food, postnatal massage; stay for someperiod and care of the child (Brodribb, et. al., 2016). The need of these kinds of organisationis determined in the market and MAMA is established in order to deliver postnatal services toits customers and is depicted in the report.3 Swot analysisSwot table Strength Weakness? Highly trained staff ? Involvement of high cost? Good location ? Limited market ? Unique design ? Limited target customerOpportunities Threats? Innovation ? Tuff competition in the market? Effective delivery of services ? No brand image? Upgrade and use of technology ? No customerbaseStrategic Marketing plan: A strategic marketing plan isthe marketingplan through which the organisation onceestablishes the market will be able to attract a large number of customers in order to enhancethe profit of the organisation. The strategic marketing plan is a part of the overall marketingplan and will help the MAMA to build relation with the customer, to attain the objective andlo to effectively deliver the services in the market.An effective marketing plan can enhancethe delivery of the services and the products in the market. The organisation has no brandimage in the market and is totally a new business. Thecustomers will not rely very easily onthe services of the organisation (Campbell, et. al., 2016). There is a requirement to give veryeffective services in the beginning with some discount. The strategy made is the directcoordination and contact with the customers in order to build personal relations with thecustomers. Advertisement of MAMA can be done in some newspapers andmagazines whichare regularly used by the women in the country.4 "

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