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mitigated by using its alternative Riboflavin and Niacin



  • "mitigated by using its alternative Riboflavin and Niacin though not very effective substitute butthis will evade any infringement of UK regulations. References ? Brand Directory (2015) Available Online AtHttp://Brandirectory.Com/Profile/Glaxosmithkl..

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  • "mitigated by using its alternative Riboflavin and Niacin though not very effective substitute butthis will evade any infringement of UK regulations. References ? Brand Directory (2015) Available Online AtHttp://Brandirectory.Com/Profile/Glaxosmithkline Accessed On 14th Dec 2015. rd ? Dickson, M. (2014) Strategic Management, 3 Edition, Englewoodcliff, Englewood. ? Fierce, (2014) GSK Worlds Biggest R & D Spender Available Online AtHttp://Www.Fiercebiotech.Com/Special-Reports/Worlds-Biggest-Rd- Spenders/Glaxosmithkline-Worlds-Biggest-Rd-Spenders Accessed On 12th Dec 2015. ? Financial Times (2015) Alliance Heath Care On Sale, Nov 2015 P.9? GSK (2015) About Us Available Online At Http://Www.Gsk.Com/En- st Gb/Responsibility/Our-Planet/Working-With-Suppliers/ Accessed On 1 Dec 2015. ? GSK E(2015) ESSEC Vaccines Available Online At Www.Therapeutic- Innovation.Essec.Edu/Partners/Gsk-Vaccines.Html Accessed On 12th Dec 2015. ? GSK F (2015) R & D Available Online At Http://Www.Gsk.Com/En-Gb/Careers/Areas- st Of-Opportunity/Research-And-Development/ Accessed On 1 Dec 2015? GSK G(2015) Our Products Available Online At Http://Www.Gsk.Com/En- th Gb/Products/Our-Prescription-Medicines-And-Vaccines/ Accessed On 14 Dec 2015. ? GSK H (2015) Availabline Online At Http://Www.Gsk.Com/En-Gb/About-Us/What-We- th Do/Vaccines/ Accessed On 14 Dec 2015. ? Gskd(2015) Neuroscience On The Brain Available Online At Us.Gsk.Com › En-Us › Ourth Stories › Business Strategy Accessed On 15 Dec 2015.Strategy BMT7026 Page 17 ? Guardian, (2015) Ban on Lamivudine and Nevirapine in UK Nov 2015 p.6? Kenan (2015) available online at drug-availability/ accessed on 4th Dec 2015.? Morning Star (2015) Available Online AtHttp://Www.Morningstar.Co.Uk/Uk/News/111053/Glaxosmithkline-Retains-Its- Competitive-Advantage.Aspx Accessed On 12th Dec 2015. ? New York Times (2012) available online at agrees-to-pay-3-billion-in-fraud-s accessed on 5th Dec 2015.? NHS (2015) Innovation Connect Available Online AtHttps://Www.England.Nhs.Uk/Ourwork/Innovation/Innovation-Connect/ Accessed Onth 14 Dec 2015. ? Novataris (2015) Available Online AtHttp://Www.Novartis.In/Pdf/Investors%20section/Corporate_Social_Responsibility_Poli cy.Pdf Accessed On 14th Dec 2015. ? Office for National Statistics, (2015) available online at accessed on 6thDec 2015? Reuters, (2015) available online at idUSTRE69P4GH2010102 accessed on 2nd Dec 2015.? Rothaermel, F. T. (2012). Strat.Mgmt.: Concepts And Cases. Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin, P. 5? PM Live (2015) Top Pharma List available online at accessed on 14th Dec 2015. Strategy BMT7026 Page 18 ? Statista, (2015) Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies Available Online AtHttp://Www.Statista.Com/Statistics/273029/Top-10-Pharmaceutical-Companies-Sales- th And-Rundd-Spending-In-2010/ Accessed On 14 Dec 2015. ? UK Pharmaceutical Statistics, (2015) UK Pharmaceutical Industry 4(2) March 2015. Strategy BMT7026 Page 19 "

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