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Marketing objectivesThe market objectives are generally



  • "Marketing objectivesThe market objectives are generally the target set by the business organisation which isrequired to be attained by the organisation in a given time period and also to promote theservices to the customers. The concept of the busin..

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  • "Marketing objectivesThe market objectives are generally the target set by the business organisation which isrequired to be attained by the organisation in a given time period and also to promote theservices to the customers. The concept of the business is innovative and a start-up. Theobjectives can be determined in accordance with the AIDA principles.It can be depicted withAIDA model as under:The AIDA model stands for A- AwarenessI- InterestD- DesireA- ActionThis model helps in doing effective communication and interaction with the customers and itis a marketing strategy. With the help of AIDA, the marketing managers can determine theneeds of the targeted customers, their desires and according take action in order to fulfil theirwants (Pascal and Homer, 2016). In the next forecasted year, the MAMA postpartum caredesires to build trust among the customers through which the organisation as it is a totally anew concept and the organisation will able to build some brand image in the market to attractcustomer and to increase the profit and sales. Figure:The AIDA modelSource: Annmarie Hanlon, 20135 Target segmentThe target segment is the mothers who have given birth to a child. The targeted customerscan also be women before birth of a child and after the pregnancy who wants to utilise theservices provided by the MAMA postpartum care in order to take care of themselves and alsotheir precious child (Corrigan, et. al., 2015). The target segment will be the working womenwho get involved in their work and don’t find time to take care of themselves and also fortheir young ones.They are the married and the new mothers’ who are required to avail theseservices in order to nourish their body and also to take good care of their child. This is a veryeffective business idea as these kinds of services are not delivered in the Singapore and thenew moms who want to pamper themselves can take these services as the women now a daysin Singapore have a very busy schedule. They return to their workplace after giving birth totheir child and because of this busy schedule unable to take proper care of themselves andalso of their child.The target segment, which involves the new moms, are using the postpartum services and theratio of the user of this service is increases day by day. It can be further depicted with thehelp of a diagram: 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 user of the service year 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 From the above chart, it is clearly depicted that the number of the service users of thepostpartum services are increasing day by day and these kinds of services are enhancing inrelation to china. In Singapore, it is a new business concept and the organisation i.e. MAMA6 postpartum hotel will able to deliver these services and will able to satisfy the customers withtheir effective services.7 Market strategyAs discussed that the postpartum Nursing Centre is growing day by day in terms of thepopularity. The market strategy is considered in order to implement a business in the marketplace is known as MAMA postpartum Nursing Centre. The business is set up in order toprovide various services to the new moms so that proper care can be done of the momswhoare essential. The MAMA postpartum Nursing Centre is an organisation in which theservices will be delivered by the trained and the specialised staff in order to provide morecare and services to the customers.The boom in the postpartum centres is somewhat like a 5-star hotel where all the luxuryservices are provided to women. There are various problems which woman generally facesafter giving birth to a child (Katz and Gagnon, 2016). The body of the woman after the birthof the child is very sensitive. It is also advised to eat selectednutrious food such as sesamechicken oil, ginger, sweet vinegar and other nutritious food products which will help inimproving the help of the woman. A market strategy is prepared which help the organisation to deliver effective services and toattract various customers of the services delivered by the organisation. The market strategy ismade considering all the factors such as product, price, place and the promotion. The marketstrategy will help the organisation to enhance its performance and to build a brand image inthe market. With the help of effective market strategy, the organisation i.e. MAMApostpartum Nursing Centre will able to take aneffective decision in the organisation. Theobjective and the target which is set can also be attained in an effective manner. The marketstrategy can be formulated keeping all the four Ps of marketing such as product, price, placeand the promotion (Malouf, et. al., 2017). The market strategy is made considering variousfactors, which act as a hindrance in theaccomplishment of the goals. factors include the competitors, the risks, the quality of the delivery of the services; costinvolved in thedelivery of the services, cost in promotion of the services, economic andpolitical changes and some other changes which can affect the operations and the activities ofa business organisation and the strategies will prove ineffective (O’Connor, et. al., 2016). Thefactors need to be considered and effective measures should be taken in order to avoid and8 "

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