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ControlsMilestoneBeginning dateEnd dateBudget Department(amount



  • "ControlsMilestoneBeginning dateEnd dateBudget Department(amount inS$)01.08.2017 31.08.2017 0 Marketing Development ofstrategic planning Operations of 01.08.017 31.08.2017 2500 Marketing marketing Advertisement and 01.08.2017 31.08.2017 6500 Marketin..

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  • "ControlsMilestoneBeginning dateEnd dateBudget Department(amount inS$)01.08.2017 31.08.2017 0 Marketing Development ofstrategic planning Operations of 01.08.017 31.08.2017 2500 Marketing marketing Advertisement and 01.08.2017 31.08.2017 6500 Marketing development Cost involved in 15. 07. 2017 20.08.2017 5500 Purchasingproducts department Profit generation01.08.2017 31.08.2017 10000 Salesdepartment 13 ConclusionFrom the above, it has been concluded that postpartum Nursing Centre is gaining importanceday by day due to their demand in the market A business organisation is also implemented inthe market named MAMA postpartum Nursing Centre and in relation to the organisation amarketing strategy and also the budget and the expected forecast of sales is also determinedin the report. The control is also depicted in the assignment. In addition, SWOT analysis inrelation to the MAMA postpartum nursing centre is also made and the market objectives andthe strategy are also depicted in the report. The target customers are determined in theassignment in order to attract more and more customers for the services delivered by theorganisation.14 Reflective statementIn the assignment, there is a brief discussion on the strategic marketing plan, whichis madeby the organisation in order to enhance the sales and the services of the MAMA postpartumcare. The strategic marketing plan is made in relation to the MAMA postpartum care. Themarketing objectives are made in relation to MAMA postpartum Nursing Centre with thehelp of various models such as AIDA. The SWOT analysis is also done in order to determinethe strength and the weakness of the organisation so that it will help the organisation toeffectively launch and establish the business in the market place. The opportunities and thethreats are also evaluated and determined in order gain advantages and to earn more and moreprofit by attracting various customers in the market after establishing the business. The targetcustomers are identified and also the tastes and the preferences of the individuals areidentified so that effective services can be delivered to the customers in accordance with thetastes and the preferences of the customers. The market strategy is made in order to implement the new business in the market. Thestrategy is made considering all the four P's in its aspect. The four P's are price, place,product and the promotion. Evaluating all the four P’s of marketing helps to make effectiveestablishment of the organisation in the marketplace and also it will results in effectivedelivery of the services by the organisation. The financial projections are made and under the projection of the sales and the expenses areforecasted in order to formulate aplan and the strategy as to cover the expenses of theorganisation after establishing of the business in the market. The strategy can be effective andmore profit can be gained if sales are forecasted and achieved accordingly. In accordancewith the financial projection, some controls have been made and implemented in theorganisation in order to enhance the services delivered by the organisation. The controls aremade considering the amount and the expenses, which are involved in relation to establishingof the business organisation in the market and are depicted in brief in the report.15 References? Annmarie Hanlon, 2013, Examples and Tips for using AIDA in the real world, Smartsinsights. ? Brodribb, W.E., Mitchell, B.L. and van Driel, M.L., 2016. Practice related factors thatmay impact on postpartum care for mothers and infants in Australian general practice:a cross-sectional survey. BMC health services research, 16(1), p.244.? Campbell, O.M., Calvert, C., Testa, A., Strehlow, M., Benova, L., Keyes, E., Donnay,F., Macleod, D., Gabrysch, S., Rong, L. and Ronsmans, C., 2016. The scale, scope,coverage, and capability of childbirth care. The Lancet, 388(10056), pp.2193-2208.? Corrigan, C.P., Kwasky, A.N. and Groh, C.J., 2015. Social support, postpartumdepression, and professional assistance: A survey of mothers in the MidwesternUnited States. The Journal of perinatal education, 24(1), p.48.? Katz, D. and Gagnon, A.J., 2016. Evidence of adequacy of postpartum care forimmigrant women. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 34(4).? Malouf, R., Henderson, J. and Redshaw, M., 2017. Access and quality of maternitycare for disabled women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period in England:data from a national survey. BMJ open, 7(7), p.e016757.? O’Connor, E., Rossom, R.C., Henninger, M., Groom, H.C. and Burda, B.U., 2016.Primary care screening for and treatment of depression in pregnant and postpartumwomen: evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services TaskForce. Jama, 315(4), pp.388-406.? Pascal, M.C. and Homer, C.S., 2016. Models of Postnatal Care for Low-IncomeCountries: A Review of the Literature Abstract. International Journal ofChildbirth, 6(2), pp.104-132.? Rutledge, R.I., Domino, M.E., Hillemeier, M.M. and Wells, R., 2016. The effect ofmaternity care coordination services on the utilization of postpartum contraceptiveservices. Contraception, 94(5), pp.541-547.? Yes, L.M., Martinez, N.G., Nguyen, A.T., Hajjar, N., Chen, M.J. and Simon, M.A.,2017. 836: Navigating New Motherhood: Interventions to Improve Postpartum Carein an Urban Women's Health Clinic. American Journal of Obstetrics&Gynecology, 216(1), pp.S479-S480.16 "

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