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Competitive Strategy Management



  • "Competitive Strategy2Table of ContentsIntroduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3Adaptation ......................................................

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  • "Competitive Strategy2Table of ContentsIntroduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3Adaptation ....................................................................................................................................... 3Industry 1: Computer industry (software)................................................................................... 3Company 1: Altium Limited ................................................................................................... 3Company 2: Atlassian ............................................................................................................. 4Industry 2: ICT industry (Information Communications Technology) ...................................... 4Company 1: Telstra Corporation Limited ............................................................................... 4Company 2: Austar Communications ..................................................................................... 5Aggregation..................................................................................................................................... 5Industry 1: Computer industry (software)................................................................................... 5Company 1: Altium Limited ................................................................................................... 5Company 2: Atlassian ............................................................................................................. 6Industry 2: ICT industry (Information Communications Technology) ...................................... 6Company 1: Telstra Corporation Limited ............................................................................... 6Company 2: Austar Communications ..................................................................................... 6Arbitrage ......................................................................................................................................... 7Industry 1: Computer industry (software)................................................................................... 7Company 1: Altium Limited ................................................................................................... 7Company 2: Atlassian ............................................................................................................. 7Industry 2: ICT industry (Information Communications Technology) ...................................... 8Company 1: Telstra Corporation Limited ............................................................................... 8Company 2: Austar Communications ..................................................................................... 8Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 8References ..................................................................................................................................... 10 3IntroductionIn this contemporary business world, organizations aim towards internationalization of theircompanies. As stated by Berry and Kaul(2015), with increase in internationalization oforganizations, the chances of differences also amplifies across market borders. So, it is necessaryfor the internationalised organizations to reduce the large discrepancies and differences related toculture, structure, working environment and beliefs of the people. Organizations need to chalkout a strategy that addresses these differences and adjust with the local operation under exclusiveconditions. According to Collis(2015), one of the approaches used in improving internationalintegration is through “Ghemawat’s AAA Global Strategy Framework”. The three AAA’s is theacronym of Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage. It, therefore, provides a platform for theinternationalized organizations for its sustainable growth, stability, and development. Thisstrategy helps organizations in maintaining a right balance between the economics of scale andreceptiveness to limited conditions. This report will be discussing Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage aspects about Computerand ICT industries. The organizations taken under Computer Industry are Altium and Atlassian.Moreover, the organizations took under Information Communications Technology (ICT) areTelstra and Austar. This framework will help in prioritizing the choices that encourageorganizations to expand beyond borders and have a sustainable business.AdaptationAs opined by Dawson and Mukoyama(2014), Adaptation is one of the most effective strategiesthat aim towards dealing with workplace differences due to globalization. It helps in increasingboth market revenue as well as market share matching with its requirements and preferences.Organizations use this Adaption strategy for penetrating into new and potential customer baseand that too in a new market. Industry 1: Computer industry (software)Company 1: Altium LimitedAltium Limited is a public software company in Australia that provides PC-based software inmajor parts of the world like Germany, China, Netherlands and US(Dixit and Skeath, 2015).Thisorganization has implemented Adaptation strategy for creating global value through modification 4of one or more company elementsto meet the local obligations and prerequisites. The Adaptationstrategy implies five levels of operation: variation, focus, externalization, design, and innovation.In variation level, Altium Limited aim towards achieving varying products, positioning policiesand different metrics irrespective of involving intense complexity and costin accomplishing it.The company also aim towards reducing variation through focusing on particular geographicalareas, products, segments, and verticals. As opined by Ferreira et al.(2014), in externalization,Altium reduced the burden of variation through undergoing franchising, networking and strategicalliances with local markets. While designing the software products, Altium Even more, it alsoaimed towards designing flexibility over its products for overcoming supply differences. Altiummade effective innovations for improving its marketing n both home and globalized countries. Company 2: AtlassianAtlassian is a publicly owned Australian software organization that develops software productsfor global developers, content team and project managers; serving more than 1lac customers(Ariño, 2015). The organization has adopted several measures and policies that comply well withthe requirements of the global customers. It has brought variation in its products that helpedAtlassian in positioning itself in the global market. Though it involved certain complexity, thepositioning of products is done that matches with local requirements. As opined byGhemawat(2013), Atlassian can also focus in limited globalized countries with limited productsthat will certainly help the organization in adapting internal market environment. Theorganization can also undergo global strategic alliances to reduce the pressure of externalization.Moreover, the products of Atlassian are quite flexible that operates perfectly on global platforms.The innovation within the organization and its products or services should be effective to getreadily accepted across borders. Industry 2: ICT industry (Information Communications Technology)Company 1: Telstra Corporation LimitedAs mentioned by Johnston and Purkis(2015), Telstra Corporation Limited is one of theAustralia’s telecommunication organizations that provide telephone, the Internet and digitaltelevision services and products across Australia and beyond borders. Its outstanding internetnetwork and exclusive entertainment packages can be placed in various overseas countries inspite of variation in cost and complexity. Telstra needs to focus towards limited geographical 5regions such as developing Asiatic countries through their limited services and products forpenetrating a new market and new customers. Lin(2014) stated that Telstra could also opt forcertain strategic alliances with the existing local markets for reducing the pressure ofinternationalization. The costs need to be reduced considerably with increasing flexibility indesigning of products or services. This innovative effectiveness will help Telstrain gainingexplicit marketing in foreign lands. Company 2: Austar CommunicationsAccording to Jha etal.(2014), Austar Communications is a renounced telecommunicationorganization that is providing products or services like direct broadcasting satellite and cabletelevision connections across urban and rural Australia. The organization needs to adoptAdaptation strategy that will help in the successful operation. The variation in products, as wellas policies, help in the positioning of the organization into a new market with new customers.Austar also needs to focus towards positioning its direct broadcasting satellite to limitedgeographical regions of developing countries. Ghemawat(2015) also suggested that Austar canadopt strategic alliances as well as franchising that will help in positioning itself in a new market.The outstanding performance and exclusive product in providing television services can alsohelp in reducing the cost of variation of products. These innovations in products or servicing andpositioning itself in remote areas of internationalized countries will help the Adaptation strategyto become successful. AggregationLucea and Doh(2012) stated that Aggregation aims towards the achievement of economies ofscale as well as scope for creation of global efficiencies. This strategy exploits similaritiesamong diverse geographies and involves standardization of the approaches. It identifies waysthat help in introducing both economics or scope and scale in global business without hamperinglocal responsiveness. Industry 1: Computer industry (software)Company 1: Altium LimitedMauri and de Figueiredo(2012) commented that while Altium provides its products or servicesglobally, it deals with the similarities and differences across various geographical areas. It aims "

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