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also minimise the impact of the risk n the operations and



  • "also minimise the impact of the risk n the operations and the delivery of the services by theorganisation. The market strategy basically involves two components i.e. to address the competitivemarketplace and also to support the routine operations. T..

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  • "also minimise the impact of the risk n the operations and the delivery of the services by theorganisation. The market strategy basically involves two components i.e. to address the competitivemarketplace and also to support the routine operations. The marketstrategy considers all thefour Ps of marketing whichis aproduct, price, place and the promotion. ? Price:The Price is related to the products and the services, which is delivered by theorganisation to its targeted customers. The value is the price of the services chargedby the organisation from the customers (Pascal and Homer, 2016). The prices at theinitial level charged by the organisation should be reasonable. If the organisationcharges reasonable then the organisation will be able to attract more and morecustomers for the product delivered by the organisation.Some discount, gifts and cashbackcan also be provided to attract the customers. The prices of the product and heservices are derived from the operational cost which is incurred in providing of theservices and the products to the customers. There is an estimation of operational costof S$ 12000S$ on monthly basis and in relation to the operational cost, the profit andother promotional cost and selling expenses a added and then the services aredelivered to the customers. The prices of the services are charged according to thecost and number of days and time and in comparison to the other organisation. This istotally a new business concept. The postpartum services are delivered to othercountries at approx. 5000S$ for a week. In comparison to that organisation, MAMA isvery cost effective.? Product:The Products is the delivery of things by the organisation in order toenhance the services of an organisation. The products are the techniques which aremodern and the tools and the infrastructure facilities such as furniture, bathing,washing and other things and the products is delivered by the organisation. Theproducts should be used are of quality and of a well-known brand in order to build thetrust of the customers. The products also involve the nutritious food, which is servedto the mother in order to take proper care of them. The organisation will providequality food and against charge a certain amount of money from the customers. Themedicine with the prescription is also provided by the MAMA postpartum care tomake the mothers physically and mentally healthy.9 ? Promotion:The Promotion is done in a manner that results in enhancing the sale ofthe organisation. If the sales of the organisation are boosted then it will able to buildthe brand image in the market and also it will enhance the performance of theorganisation (Rutledge, et. al., 2016). The promotion can be done in the television,newspapers and in some magazines. There are few magazines, which are used by thewomen on regular basis such as Herworld and NUYOU.There are variouspromotional techniques, which can be used by the organisation in order to attractmore and more customers, and the profit can be raised. The promotional techniquesshould be used by the MAMA postpartum Nursing Centre can be advertisement inmagazines and articles which are daily used by the women for routine (Pascal andHomer, 2016). There is a customer feedback form; personal relation can also be builtto attract the customers.Various fair and seminars can also be arranged for themothers and kids in order to create awareness regarding these kinds of services. Thepromotion can be done by using social sites such as on Facebook, Instagram andWhatsapp, which is now daysused by each and every women and an effective tool toattract the customers.? Place:The place is chosen by the organisation in order to attract more and morecustomers for the services delivered by the organisation (Yes, et. al., 2017).Thebusiness is required to be open at a place, which is at a central location, and thecustomers will able to contact the organisation and it is feasible for the customers toutilise the services delivered by the organisation. A populated and a porch area aresuitable for establishing of business. The place, which can be chosen, should be #02- 115, 304, Orchard road, Singapore, 238863. This is a local and a general place that isknown by the residents and a crowded that help the customers to attract. 10 Financial projectionsThe financial projections cover the forecasted sales and the expenses. Both the sales and theexpenses are interrelated if the sales will enhance in future, the expenses will also be higheras if now in 2017 the business is implemented with expenses 200,000 S$. The sales in 2018are expected to be at least 500,000 S$ in order to cover the expenses and there is a forecast ofexpenses in 2018 will be 400,000 S$ in accordance to marketing strategy which is investingsome amount in the starting years in order to capture market area and to build a brand imagein the market. The forecasting expenses for the year 2018, 2019 and 20120 are detailed with the help ofa chart shown as under: 600000 500000 400000 Series1 300000 Series2 200000 Series3 Series3 100000 Series2 0 Series1 Yearsales Figure 2: Forecasted expenses of MAMA postpartum care centre11 The forecasted sales of the year 2018, 2019 and 2020 are shown with the help of a chartshown as under:600000 500000 400000 Series1 300000 Series2 Series3 200000 100000 0 Year sales Figure 3: Forecastedsales of MAMA postpartum care centre12 "

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