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4. Management Plan, Timeline & FeasibilityThis research



  • "4. Management Plan, Timeline & FeasibilityThis research task is estimated to use 75 days of field work, and 85 days of back office /preparatory / analytical work and final report writing.The direct and known costs associatedwith this timeline ar..

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  • "4. Management Plan, Timeline & FeasibilityThis research task is estimated to use 75 days of field work, and 85 days of back office /preparatory / analytical work and final report writing.The direct and known costs associatedwith this timeline are as follows:Cost$ per unitUnitsTotal Cost Back officecosts: $ Daily allowance$ 75.0085 6,375.00 Internet (1gb per$ week)$ 15.0029 435.00$ Subtotal 6,810.00 Field work c osts: $ Daily allowance$ 75.0075 5,625.00$ Meal allowance$ 40.0075 3,000.00$ Travel allowance$ 40.0075 3,000.00 Subtotal$ 16 11,625.00 $ Total Direct Costs: 18,435.00 These costs are calculated on the actual cost of meals/transport and an allowance for theresearcher to be released from normal daily duties in order to carry out the proposed field worketc.While these allowances are lower than would be provided in Australia, they represent thetrue costs involved – the researcher is not seeking to profit from undertaking this study.There is the potential for several different funding options as there are a number of non- governmental organisations currently working with HIV/AIDS prevention in Zambia, and theseorganisations are actively seeking proposals from researchers in order to provide the fundingrequired to fight the HIV/AIDS battle on as many fronts as possible.The application for fundingis likely to be somewhat time consuming and will commence as soon as the research proposal iscomplete.The following Gantt chart outlines the timeline proposed for the research task.Some initialstages will be able to be completed concurrently – as the researcher is waiting for Ethicsapproval, the literature review can be completed and a matrix developed for recordingobservations can be developed.Survey/interview questions can also be developed during thistime.It is expected that a considerable amount of the research will be conducted either outside, ineither unshaded tarmac/gravelled areas, or inside poorly ventilated buildings without airconditioning.17 The timeline specifically has the physical observations, surveys and interviews being conductedfrom the beginning of June through until the middle of August.This has been plannedstrategically as these are the coolest months of the year in Chirundu.With around 8 months ofthe year hovering over 40 degrees Celsius (from September through until January temperaturesare often as high as 50 degrees), it is imperative for the health and safety of the researcher that theresearch is conducted at this time of the year.4/1/2017 5/1/2017 5/31/2017 6/30/2017 7/30/2017 8/29/2017 9/28/2017 10/28/2017 Proposal Funding / Research Grant Application Ethics Approval Literature Review Matrix for Recording Observations Survey/Interview Design Government of Republic of Zambia Approval Observations Surveys /Interviews with Officials Surveys/Interviews with Truck Drivers Surveys/Interviews with Clearing Agents Data analysis + organization Meta-analysis Results Recommendations / Feasibility Conclusion Introduction Editing Contingencies have been built in to ensure sufficient time for data gathering – gaining permissionfrom the Zambian government to conduct research at a border post is likely to take some time,and as such, initial informal groundwork may be laid prior to the formal request for permission. 18 "

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