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3.3 Selection and description of the site and participantsThe



  • "3.3 Selection and description of the site and participantsThe research will be conducted in the town of Chirundu, Zambia, where the border crossing inquestion is located.The research will look specifically at the North-bound border crossing,which is..

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  • "3.3 Selection and description of the site and participantsThe research will be conducted in the town of Chirundu, Zambia, where the border crossing inquestion is located.The research will look specifically at the North-bound border crossing,which is sited entirely in Zambia, as the timelines and cost restraints in this research task will notallow for additional permissions required to conduct research in Zimbabwe, where the South- bound border crossing is located.Specific survey or research participants will be taken from the target group of long distance truckdrivers who are entering Zambia in a North-bound direction from Zimbabwe.An additionalgroup of subjects will be the border officials that process these trucks along with other involvedgovernment agencies and clearing agents.The researcher will also observe daily border procedures on a set routine to ensure a random andaccurate average sample is studied for the duration of this research task.3.4 Data collection strategiesThe data for this research exercise will be collected by the researcher through direct interactionwith the subjects on a one to one basis (group settings for interviews/surveys will be avoideddueto cultural tendencies for a group to follow one leader rather than give individual responses).Thefollowing data collection methods will be used:Interviews:1. Truck drivers13 2. Clearing agents3. Border officials4. Other government agencies requiring border processingDaily Observations:5. Border activities for all truck drivers processed6. Specific border activities – ie. ‘A day in the life of a customs officer’7. Clearing agents – ie. ‘A day in the life of…’8. Truck drivers as they wait for their goods to clearThis data will be collected on a schedule that is predetermined, to ensure a random sampling istaken.The time taken at each activity will be noted and graphed for full analysis, as will theresults of surveys and interviews granted.Interview/survey questions will be predetermined aspart of the ethics review process.3.5 Data analysis strategiesThe data collected will be analysed to determine the following:? Which scenarios present a longer time spent at Chirundu Border (transit/straightimport/consolidated load)o What the differences are in bureaucratic processes for the longest and shortestborder crossing times are between the above scenarios? Which steps in the border crossing process are the most lengthyo Why these steps take so much time14 ? What can be done to speed up these processes, or combine processes, or eliminate stepscompletely?? What the impact will be for all stakeholdersAs the data will be mainly qualitative, the analysis will be done using constant comparison as anoverall evaluation of current processes in order to make recommendations for improvement.3.6 Ethical implicationsAs this research will be heavily focused on people and their experiences at Chirundu border post,there are numerous ethical implications that must be considered as part of this research proposal.It is noted most importantly, that any data gathered via either observations or direct contact withthe subjects will be provided voluntarily, and with the subject’s express written permission.Allinformation gathered will be done so completely anonymously, with no identifying data recorded.The research will be conducted through observations of normal border behaviour, andinterviews/surveys with the subjects, and so any risk of harm to participants is no greater thanduring their normal activities at the border.There is no anticipated negative impact on either theenvironment, the subjects of the study or the wider Chirundu community during this study.As part of the research project approval process, ethics approval will be sought to ensurecompliance with ethics standards. 15 "

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