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Surname 19provinces in Canada reported an annual increase



  • "Surname 19provinces in Canada reported an annual increase in spending after controlling inflation.However, the expenditure of Nova Scotia remained stable in the same year 2012. The NorthwestTerritories and Nunavut recorded the highest spending of +9..

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  • "Surname 19provinces in Canada reported an annual increase in spending after controlling inflation.However, the expenditure of Nova Scotia remained stable in the same year 2012. The NorthwestTerritories and Nunavut recorded the highest spending of +9.5 percent. From the previous year,the province with the largest spending increase was Manitoba, +8.2 percent. The policeexpenditure in Canada has increased by 42 percent since 2002. The regions with the largestincrements were the territories like Nunavut (+63 percent) and provinces like Alberta (+73percent) and British Columbia (+60 percent). On the contrary, Prince Edward Island recorded theleast increase in expenditure (+21 percent) when the amount is compared to expenditurepresented, per capita expenditure, that considers the population size, since the 1990s, there is amore moderate change in Canada. The per capita was stable in the last three years(Tilley 16). Itstabilized in the year 2010, reduced in 2011, and increased moderately in 2012. ConclusionThe rate of the police force was still continuing to decline in Canada in twenty thirteen,being the third continuous yearly decrease following the growth that had taken place in the2000s. Most hiring’s in the policing service unit were graduates who were recruits and the mostcommon reason for officers' departure from service was retirement. In 2012 alone, more than 11percent of the officers were eligible for retirement and could have left service due to retirementbut only 2 percent left.There has been growing trend towards women in policing and it continued to grow in theyear 2013. In the same year, female police officers number increased, and male police officersnumber decreased. 20 percent of the total police force is accounted for by female officers and 6819 Surname 2014 percent of civilian employees . In 2012, the total expenditure on police units was thirteen pointfive billion dollar shillings. However, after the inflation, it was realized that this was a 2.8percent increase in expenditure from the previous. 14 Hutchins, Hope. Police resources in Canada, 2013. Ottawa: The Canadian Centre for JusticeStatistics (CCJS), 2015. Web. < eng.htm>.20 Surname 21Works CitedBrake, Michael and Chris Hale. Public order and private lives (Routledge Revivals): The politicsof law and order. London: Routledge, 2013. Print.Brogden, Mike and Nijhar Preeti. Community policing. London: Routledge, 2013. Print.Burbidge, Scott. "The governance deficit: Reflections on the future of public and private policingin Canada." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 47.1 (2005): 63-86. Print.Burczycka, Marta. Police resources in Canada. Ottawa: The Canadian Centre for JusticeStatistics (CCJS), 2010. Web. < eng.pdf>.Gersher, Shayna. "Canada's domestic regulatory framework for RPAS: A call for publicdeliberation." Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 2.1 (2013): 1-4. Print.Hutchins, Hope. Police resources in Canada, 2013. Ottawa: The Canadian Centre for JusticeStatistics (CCJS), 2015. Web. < eng.htm>.Keane, John and Peter Bell. "Confidence in the police: Balancing public image with communitysafety - a comparative review of the literature." International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice41.3 (2013): 233-246. Print.Perreault, Samuel. Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2012. Ottawa: The CanadianCentre for Justice Statistics (CCJS), 2012. Web. < x/2013001/article/11854-eng.pdf>.Tilley, Nick. Handbook of crime prevention community safety. Cullompton: Willan, 2013. Print.21 "

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