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  • "INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORCourse Code: [Name of Writer][Submitted to][Date of Submission][Name of University]Organizational Behavior 2TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ..........................................................................

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  • "INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORCourse Code: [Name of Writer][Submitted to][Date of Submission][Name of University]Organizational Behavior 2TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 3Forming ....................................................................................................................................... 3Storming ...................................................................................................................................... 4Norming stage ............................................................................................................................. 5Performing stage ......................................................................................................................... 6Conclusion Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 7References ....................................................................................................................................... 8Organizational Behavior 3INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORIntroductionThe Tuckman stage model was initiated and made by Bruce W. Tuckman in 1965 whoemphasized on interpersonal relationships between individuals and how teams work together. Hehas successfully formed a four stage model which leads towards achieving group coordinationand effectiveness. The following essay is linked with the movie “The Internship” which wasreleased in 2013. The movie rotates around two individuals Billy and Nick who have lost theirjobs and are now working as Interns in Google.DiscussionThe Tuckman stage can be divided into four basic stages which are forming, storming,norming and performing. The four stages show working in teams and groups, meeting newpeople, communication and how to achieve common goals and targets. The internship is basedon how different individuals meet in an organization and achieve tasks. FormingThe first stage is “Forming stage” which refers to the initial stage when groups areforming and individuals are confused between forming their groups. In the movie, when Mr.Chetty announces that all interns are required to form groups within five minutesso, all internsstart searching for group members who share similar attributes and characteristics. This scenestarts from 30 minutes and 23 seconds till 31 minutes and 10 seconds. The forming stage showsconfusion, anxiety and emotions full of fear because all interns are in a rush to find the bestsuitable member for their group. In the forming stage, Neha starts chanting that she possesses Organizational Behavior 4skills and that anyone can take her in group. This can be related with the behavioral theory whichsupports that all individuals in a group vary in behavior and attitudes and in a group it is notnecessary that all individuals are the same, they can vary too. Similarly, the forming stage in themovie shows that after the duration ends, those who were left without a group had to make a oneaccording to the instructions of the head of interns.Team development in the initial stage is about how to search for people with similarinterests and how to adjust with the members. As the movie shows, all members like Billy, Nick,Neha, Lyle and Stuart were indifferent from each other and opposite in attitudes however, afterbecoming a team they had to accept and adjust. The consequence of team member’s actions waspositive on the team as well as on the organization (Google) because the tea consisted ofindividuals with different expertise and skills which together helped them to win the challenges. According to Bonebright (2010), the Tuckman model helps to understand the significance offorming stage in organizations.StormingThe second stage is Storming which is described as the stage where the group memberare under pressure from each other’s personalities, conflicts start rising, communication is lessand each member faces issues with other member. At this stage, the teams are developed but theydo not agree on single opinion along with fights and arguments. In the movie, the storming stageis seen once they are assigned the first challenge of finding the bug code at 00:37 minutes andlast till the movie reaches the first hour. While the members start discussing how they can findthe bug and code, they start arguing which leads them towards no formal decision. Neha andLyle are found in conflict with each other when they try to share their ideas and similarly, none Organizational Behavior 5of the group member is ready to listen to Billy apart from Nick. This can be linked with the factthat friends in a group usually end up agreeing with each other and communication is strongbetween them however, when a group is formed with unknown people, the initial stages arealwaysconfusing and troublesome. According to Van den Bossche (2006), collaboration and communication are of highimportance because unless the members do not communicate and discuss tasks and goals withother and do not work as one unit; they cannot achieve the ultimate goal of the group. Thestorming stage shows how members in a group initially face issues of attitudes and behaviorsalong with adjustment issues. The storming stage can be related with the psychological safetyconcept which discusses that learning is not easy within groups and working in teams can bestressful if members don’t know each before hence, the literature says that in this caseindividuals should have a positive approach with risk taking attitude. The consequence of thisstage for the team was the fact that after getting into fights and confusions with each other; theyultimately reached the point of stability and mutual understanding through which they achievedtheir goal of the challenge.Norming stageThe third stage according to the Tuckman model of group development is Norming.Norming is the stage according to the author where the group member finally after resolving theconflicts the greater sense of intimacy is developed in the team members this is also evident fromthe Tubb’s model which is a four phase model including orientation, conflict, consensus, andclosure. This stage can be related to Tubb’s third phase consensus (Stewart, 2014). Now is thetime when the team members collectively work for a common purpose with great cohesion. Inthis stage the team members starts having the feeling of belonging to each other and their goals "

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