Assignment Document

Team Development - An essence for any organization



  • "TEAM DEVELOPMENT1TEAM DEVELOPMENTStudent NameStudent IdAssignment CodeTEAM DEVELOPMENT2Executive SummaryTeam development in now a days has been considered as an essence for any organization. Team work forachieving the goal led to achieve the objecti..

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  • "TEAM DEVELOPMENT1TEAM DEVELOPMENTStudent NameStudent IdAssignment CodeTEAM DEVELOPMENT2Executive SummaryTeam development in now a days has been considered as an essence for any organization. Team work forachieving the goal led to achieve the objective in an effective manner. Members of team also required tobe motivated so that they can provide their best for accomplishing the task. In the stated case, virtualteam has been prepared because of different place and hence members are not able to meet for executingthe task. There seems to be lack of communication ethic for completing the task. In my opinion, the teamhas not been working as per the “team development “process.Due to long distance relation amongmember and due to different time zone it has become difficult for members to interact for carrying outthe task in an effective manner.DiscussionsIn my opinion, virtual team was formed here in the stated case. Virtual teams refer to the teamwhose members have been operating across the time, space as well as in organizationalboundaries. It has also been linked together through the use of information technologies in orderto achieve the specified tasks. It clearly prescribes that virtual team?s member cannot be found atsame place for performance of task though they primarily depend on various informationtechnologies so as to communicate as well as coordinate their works in an effective manner.In my opinion, it has been necessary since in the stated case all the mentioned forms have beentrying to avoid centralizing the business around one office in Sydney. It clearly prescribes thatvirtual team?s member cannot be found at same place for performance of task though theyprimarily depend on various information technologies so as to communicate as well ascoordinate their works in an effective manner. Also the workers require the communicationtechnologies so as to work effectively as a team.Now we will discuss the five stages for team development. These are TEAM DEVELOPMENT31. Forming2. Storming3. Forming4. Performing5. Adjourning1. Forming – This stage is the stage when team meets first with each other. In this meeting,they introduced each other and shares required information in regard to the background,experience and interest. During this stage of initiation, it has been essential for the team leader toremain very clear in regard to the team goal and must provide clear direction in regard to theproject. Team leader would be responsible for ensuring the roles and responsibilities to beperformed by the team. In the current scenario, Jan has been team leader who has been workingwith other member as stated in the given case after merger the team ember was Elias inMelbourne, Susan in Brisbane as well as Brad at Perth.They designated them at different place2. Storming- After initialization of team, they came into storming stage. Under this stage,members of the tea, initiate competing among themselves for status as well as for utilizationand acceptance of their views. Due to different opinion on work to be done and hot to be doneled to causes conflicts among the members. Here it is required that team member to be adept forvacillating that team by ensuring that all members have right to state their opinion and shouldlisten to each other along with their ideas. In the current scenario, shipping team was involved inthe activities through email about new contract as well as for client. However later on they havebeen asked to submit the monthly report in regard to the accounting issues and statements.Normally, Jan submitted her monthly reports that in result summarised activities involving her TEAM DEVELOPMENT4own clients. Also, the Coordination with other team members used to take time due to differentdocumentation requirement among three forms. This is the storming stage. 3. Forming- This refers to the stage when team moves towards the “forming stage” and beganto work in an effective manner for achieving the Team?s goal. The purpose of team not onlyfocuses on goal of individual but instead focused on various ways for working together for thespecified purpose. They imitated to respect opinion and ideas of other embers so as the work canbe initiated and completed with due care ad effective way. At this stage the member?s showsmaturity and follows rules for team work the same can be done by sharing the information andresolving team conflicts. In the current stated case, the team leader is Jan and the other „teammembers? were in different place such as Elias in Melbourne, Susan in Brisbane and Brad inPerth. One of the instance hereby proven that they have not cross the stage of “forming. Thatinstance is as follows:Firm was asked to develop one strategy in order to attract the more shipping form business. Thetask was assigned to four members of team as a result the working on that strategy proven to bemessy business by team. Jan?s most of the time has been spending on responding and wiringemails as well as talking in conference call due to long distance members relations. Brad andSusan, team member already found themselves indulge in misunderstanding created via email inregard to their different perspective for delicate matters in the strategic plan. At the end it hasbeen stated by Jan that it would be better for her to work somewhere else than working withlong distance team headaches.The above statement clearly proven that the teams did not able to cross the forming stage ofworking effectively to complete the certain task. TEAM DEVELOPMENT54. Performing- In this stage “performing”, teams seem to be functioning at high level.Herebythe main purpose has been to achieve the goal as a team. Here, members of the team are in stagethat have trust on each other and also rely each other. It has been also clarified that not all teamshave ability to make it up to this level for team growth. Sometimes the team stops at “Formingstage”.Only the highly performing member sofa the team making the team become to take thisstage.As a result, they would be able to make the decision and solve the obstacle quickly byconsidering the opinion of all members. At the time of any disagreement, member of team maycome though the same and also arrive at consensus without the interruption of progress inproject.If it seems requirement to change the team process, the team will take an agreement forchanging the process on their own without reliance on the leader of team. In this stage, fordecision making, team leader is not involved. Team leader does not found to be involved in dayto day operation activities also.Taking into consideration all the above facts, it has been proven that in the stated case ofshipping business, the team has not seemed to be followed the normal stage of teamdevelopment. It may be due to long distance and ineffective team members. In my opinion, it has been necessary for any team to follow the mentioned team developmentprocess in order to achieve and perform the assigned task efficiently.Moreover, for the purpose of identifying the strength and weakness that have prevailing in theteam for the stated case shipping business, we will consider the following three as a base foridentification. These are? Environment? Design TEAM DEVELOPMENT6? Process1. Strengths? Environment – In the stated case, the environment for work is strength for the members sincethey are free to states their opinion.? Design- Virtual team, small group to complete the task is strength for accomplishing the task.? Process- process for completion of task and designing strategy is not strength2. Weaknesses? Environment- There has not been any reward for the team? Design- even though virtual group, members of the tam seems to have in similar position thatmay be hard to elect or find the leader.Process–there may be some cohesion in the virtual team. Also the virtual team may have led tocreate difficulty for efficient informal communication. This is so there has been rare chance tomeet face to face for any discussion among the members, the same can be due to distant place,different time zone etc. (Anon, (2017). Conclusion & RecommendationTaking into consideration the stated case, the recommended ways for improving theeffectiveness of team are as follows "

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