Assignment Document

Leadership - Maturity to Attain Qualities



  • "IntroductionStudents should be empowered with leadership qualities in order to attain maturity to attainqualities associated with complex leadership. Involvement of the students in university clubsand associations will assist the student in developi..

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  • "IntroductionStudents should be empowered with leadership qualities in order to attain maturity to attainqualities associated with complex leadership. Involvement of the students in university clubsand associations will assist the student in developing leadership qualities. The aim toestablish student associations and clubs is to promote political, ethical and scientificcapabilities of students. The present study discusses on the issues associated with the Albanystudents association or ASA, an autonomous body that is affiliated to Massey University NewZealand. Prior to the freedom of association bill, that was passed in 2012, the ASA providedmemberships to the students in the professional bodies to meet their unique needs andrequirements. For budgetary requirements for this services, the association has entered intocontract with Massey University, while the university collected fees from the students. Due tothe freedom association bill, 2012, the association cannot negotiate with the university onthese issues and it is necessary to financially stabilise the association for its future existencein terms of staffing and other activities. The association is encouraging the university studentsfor voluntary student membership or VSM to increase the participation of students that willhelp the students beyond university. A situational analysis was conducted to find out theinfluencing factors that affect the organisation as this enables suitable solutions throughstrategies and objectives. It is important to create a strong base for network of personal aswell as professional relationships that span the organisation, membership and community ofthe campus. The vision and mission of ASA is to serve the students and develop the studentsin such a way that they identify themselves and achieve meaningful relationships and make adifference in the world. These were the key messages and big idea of the organisation.Goals of the Campaign While developing a campaign for increasing the student participation in the studentassociation, it is essential to collect all the relevant information surrounding the issues such ashistory, associated benefits, descriptions, ideologies, target audience, ideologies that need tobe influenced for the campaign. The importance to collect the information even beforeplanning is associated with the fact that better understanding of the topic on which thecampaign is built and a knowledge that determines as to how to make use of the best of theavailable resources in each and every stage of the campaign. The issues should be planned insuch a way that the students would be achievers in the world in future while they act locally.As a public relations professional, there is no need to reinvent the wheel as the available timeand resources are limited. A public relations professional of the association must keep inmind that even though the information source is biased and supports the opinion of theorganisation, it is useful if the target audience find it reliable and believable. ObjectivesFor implementing a successful public relations campaign, it is important to set objectives forthe implementation of any sort. There exists a lot of difference between goals and objectives,while goals are general, intangible and driven by emotions. Objectives are tangible,measurable and specific, and are driven analytically. Objectives are steps to achieve a goal,and the goal is the statement of the organisation that it ultimately wants to achieve. Theeffectiveness of the campaign are evaluated with the measurable statement of action and thisis the purpose of using objectives in any public relation campaign. Communication in public relation campaign plays a vital role and it is important to establishan equal mutually beneficial dialog with their publics. Organisations should have in depthand frequent interaction with their stakeholders to detect at a faster rate, their changing wants,concerns and needs. More and more facilitation of the feedback integrates the stakeholders and the organisation in the planning and operations of the organisation. The openness oforganisation in listening the audience and incorporating the feedback automatically helps toreflect the identity of every student of the association. The concepts of marketingcommunication such as image, identity, reputation and brand suggest that a right message canimplant the corporate identity into the public image and thus reputation can be managed byproduction and distribution of messages. The most effective way to manage reputation is touse a two way symmetrical communication that helps to manage the behaviour of theorganisation. Thus the strategy helps to contribute to bring excellence in public relations bystrengthening the reputation of the organisation along with its credibility, trustworthiness. Itis also important to strategically manage the public relations function and two waysymmetrical communication. Evaluation research is important to determine how effective are the public relations aregetting achieved the goal based on the information from the environmental scanning phase.The programs if needs to be considered as excellent, the evaluation should find evidence that,the programs have positive outcomes such as meeting objectives, avoiding conflicts andchanging relationships. The evaluations must produce sufficient evidence that there is aneffective campaign for achieving its goals. StrategyThe strategy of the public evaluation must be divided into three levels such as preparationimplementation and evaluation. The preparation is associated with the evaluation of adequacyof background information taken into consideration while preparing a program, theappropriateness of message content and the background information taken into considerationto prepare the program in addition to the quality of the message. While the evaluation ofimplementation is associated with the distribution, coverage, and circulation of the messages of the program after they are disseminated. The impact is evaluated based on the assessmentwhether the goals are achieved, through the change in the behaviour of the publics, attitudesor levels of awareness or knowledge. It is important for the organisation to buildrelationships, enhance reputation through the strategic communication with the strategicaudience. It is also important for the organisation to determine as to what can be done tocorrect the messages that weaken the relationships, and it must be in a position to determineas to how the messages are leveraged to strengthen the relationships. The public relations make organisation more effective by building more long termrelationships with strategic parts and more specifically by developing relationships with thestakeholders in the external and internal environments that limit or enhance the ability of theorganisation to accomplish its initiative. Building relationships with strategic publics shouldbecome the primary objective of most organisations. Maintaining a relationship with thestrategic public is important as they have the ability to facilitate or hinder the achievement thegoals of organisation. "

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