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Chapter 9: Human resource development



  • "Chapter 9: Humanresource development Presentation prepared by Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Dr Ezaz Ahmed Edith Cowan University CQUniversity © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning outcomes • On successful completion of this slide set, ..

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  • "Chapter 9: Humanresource development Presentation prepared by Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Dr Ezaz Ahmed Edith Cowan University CQUniversity © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning outcomes • On successful completion of this slide set, you will beable to:– Understand importance of HR development toorganisational success – Explain meaning of strategic HR development – Explain need for a systematic approach to Trainingand Development – Outline major HR development methods, techniques – Describe key characteristics of an effectiveorientation program – Explain the main principles of learning psychology.Purchase your textbook here: • A report by Skills Australia indicates that Australia willneed an additional 2.4 million skilled workers by 2015,rising to 5.2 million by 2025. • Qantas invests $ 300 million a year in employee trainingand development. • Demand for training and development in Australianorganisations is generated on an ad hoc basis ratherthan from strategic considerations linking to long termbusiness growth. What are the implications of these Fast Facts? Purchase your textbook here: terms • Human resource development (HRD) – Includes training and development, career planningand performance appraisal. The focus is on theacquisition of the required attitudes, skills andknowledge to facilitate the achievement ofemployee career goals and organisational strategicbusiness objectives. • Education – Activities designed to improve the knowledge, skillsand abilities of an individual. Purchase your textbook here: need for human resource development • Business and economic changes • Technological changes • Organisational changes • Social, legal and other changes. Please note, • Research suggests that HR development expenditurecan send a powerful signal to employees of theorganisation’s commitment to its people. Purchase your textbook here: issues in training and development • Access: Opportunities for training and development • Treatment: The way people are treated during thetraining and development program • Content: Subject matter and style of presentation • Language: Presented only in English • Attendance: Making employees attend programs theyfind offensive • See Figure 9.1, p. 360 Purchase your textbook here: human resource development • HRD can be a platform for organisationaltransformation and renewal: – Implementing a new policy – Implementing a strategy – Effecting organisational or cultural change – Changing an organisation’s culture – Meeting a major change in the external environmentor solving particular problems. Purchase your textbook here: reasons for the absence of strategichuman resource development • Organisations lack or have ill-defined strategicobjectives. • Top management views training and development asunnecessary. • Organisations neglect long-term considerations. • Organisations do not analyse training and developmentneeds. • Evaluation of training is ignored. Purchase your textbook here: resource development methods andtechniques • It is essential to consider: – the scope of training programs – training beyond just the immediate job requirements – a systematic approach to training and development,including • assessment • activity • evaluation.Purchase your textbook here: systematic training and developmentmodel © John Wiley and Sons Australia"

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