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Chapter 8: Appraising and managing performance



  • "Chapter 8: Appraising andmanaging performance Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning outcomes • On successful completion of this slide set, you will beable to:– Discuss relationships ..

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  • "Chapter 8: Appraising andmanaging performance Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning outcomes • On successful completion of this slide set, you will beable to:– Discuss relationships between strategy, performancemanagement, appraisal – Explain the objectives of performance appraisal – Identify sources of error in performance appraisal – Discuss major types of appraisal systems – Outline the importance of goal setting in performanceimprovement – Describe the impact of EEO on performance appraisal Purchase your textbook here: • The presence of informal performance appraisals is morelikely to be found in smaller firms not employing a HRprofessional. • According to Fair Work Act 2011, all employees can bringan action for unfair dismissal. It is essential for employersto show documented evidence of poor performance andcommunication of that poor performance. • Research suggests older workers engage in fewercounterproductive work behaviours than youngerworkers. What is suggested by these FastFacts? Purchase your textbook here: • Performance management – Aims to improve organisational, functional, unit andindividual performance by linking the objectives ofeach. • Performance appraisal – Concerned with determining how well employeesare doing their job, communicating that informationto employees, agreeing on new objectives andestablishing a plan for performance improvement. Purchase your textbook here: elements of performance management • Creation of a shared vision. • Establishment of performance objectives. • Use of a formal review process to evaluate functionalgroup and individual progress towards goalachievement. • The linking of performance evaluation and employeedevelopment and rewards to motivate and reinforcedesired behaviour. Purchase your textbook here:’s view of performance appraisal • Individual employees do not differ significantly in their workperformance. • Any observed differences are simply the result of samplingerror. • Any variation in employee performance is predominantly aresult of factors outside the individual’s control. • Management appraisers are incapable of distinguishingbetween employee-caused and system-caused variations inperformance. What do you think? Purchase your textbook here: an appraisal program • Define purposes of appraisal program. • Program consistent with organisational objectives, culture. • Full understanding of and support for program. • Involve employees, managers in development • Performance standards and evaluation are clear, job- related, fair, objective. • Establish training sessions. • Provide formal procedure for employees to challengeperformance appraisals. • Monitor the program. Purchase your textbook here: of performance appraisals © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaPerformance appraisal objectives • Discriminating on the basis of performance • Rewarding performance • Developing employees • Giving feedback to employees Purchase your textbook here: for giving effective feedback • Maintain regular dialogue with staff • Give concrete examples and comparisons • Give feedback that includes both positive and negativeaspects of performance • Explain how individual performance is liked tocorporate objectives • Discuss methods of improving performance • Monitor staff member’s performance post-discussion Purchase your textbook here:"

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