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Chapter 2: Human resource planning



  • "Chapter 2: Humanresource planning Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning objectives• On successful completion of this slide set, you will be ableto: – Explain the relationship between..

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  • "Chapter 2: Humanresource planning Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning objectives• On successful completion of this slide set, you will be ableto: – Explain the relationship between strategic HRM planningand operational HR planning – Explain the importance of HR planning – Identify key environmental influences on HR planning – Outline the basic approaches to HR planning – Describe ways of forecasting HR requirements – Explain the basics of exit management – Describe requirements for effective HR planning.FastFacts • Richard Goyder, managing director of Wesfarmers(largest private sector employer of Australia) says that‘attracting, retaining and developing people is thenumber one issue facing Wesfarmers over the next tenyears’. • Australia has a persistent employee shortage ofmedical, nursing, teaching, accounting, engineering,technical and people with trade skills. What is suggested by these facts?Human resource planning (HRP) • The process of systematically reviewing humanresource requirements to ensure that the requirednumber of employees with the appropriateknowledge, skills and abilities are available whenneeded. • Human resource planning can also be described asemployment planning. • Strategies: – Retrenchment, stability, growth. Organisational strategy and HR planning © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaImportance of HR planning• HR planning: – systematically identifies what must be done toguarantee the availability of the human resourcesrequired by an organisation to meet businessobjectives. – ensures that: • available talent is correctly allocated • labour costs are controlled • the number of staff is appropriate • talented employees are retained.Strategic planning and HR planning © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaCurrent HR planning issues• Scarcity of talent • Balancing short and long-term needs • Globalisation – Movement of labour internationally – The ‘brain drain’• Multigenerational workforce (see slide 10) – A new challenge for HR managers – Traditionalists, baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y havedistinctive characteristics at workplace Contd.Current HR planning issues• Women in the workforce – In Australia, flexible work practices, workplaceculture and childcare support have positivelyinfluenced women participation – The desire for self fulfilment, social relationships,financial pressure due to global financial crisis aremain reasons for increased workforce participationby older women at workplace. • Academic standards – Migration vs. education?Multigenerational workforce © John Wiley and Sons Australia"

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