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Chapter 14: Managing diversity



  • "Chapter 14: Managingdiversity Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning objectives • On successful completion of this slide set, you will beable to: – Describe diversity and outline its ..

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  • "Chapter 14: Managingdiversity Presentation prepared by Troy Fuller Edith Cowan University © John Wiley and Sons AustraliaLearning objectives • On successful completion of this slide set, you will beable to: – Describe diversity and outline its associated legalrequirements – Review the impact of diversity in HRM and applyHRM approaches to diversity management – Summarise various levels of diversity management – Explain diversity-oriented leadership – Relate diversity to organisational culture, climate. – Describe an ‘inclusive’ workplace Purchase your textbook here: objectives (cont.) • Appraise the management of cross-cultural diversity • Outline how globalisation influences diversity issues • Propose how current HRM practices affect the futurepotential for diversity.Purchase your textbook here: • Australian workforce is more than 50% female, is highlymulticultural, includes a large migrant population andaround 20% of the workforce has a disability. • Intergenerational differences in the workplaces can bemanaged by recognising three fundamental needs:fairness, stretch and community. • By 2020, there will be twice as many 65 year olds inAustralia as there were in 2009. Purchase your textbook here: • Diversity– Difference or unlikeness. A diverse workplaceincludes people from different races, ethnicities, agegroups and sexes who have dissimilar cultural beliefsand values.• Diversity management – A process of managing employees’ differences andsimilarities so that individuals can achieve maximumpersonal growth and can contribute positively toorganisational goals.Purchase your textbook here: as a concept • Diversity has been categorised in three dimensions:– demographic (e.g. gender, ethnicity, age) – psychological (e.g. values, beliefs, knowledge) – organisational (e.g. occupation tenure, hierarchicallevel).• Researchers have differentiated diversity using:– observable attributes (e.g. ethnic background, age,gender) – non-observable attributes (e.g. personal values) – functional characteristics (e.g. knowledge, skills). Purchase your textbook here: definitions • Affirmative Action (AA): Programs which organisationsundertake with the aim of achieving equal opportunityfor disadvantaged groups (such as women) andminority groups in the workplace. • Human rights legislation: Legislation designed toconsider the right of people, especially the mostvulnerable in society, to moral protection.• Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Giving people afair chance to succeed by avoiding discrimination basedon unrelated job factors such as age, race, sex ornationality.Purchase your textbook here: Australian legislation • Racial Discrimination Act 1975 • Sex Discrimination Act 1984 • Affirmative Action Act 1986 • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act1986 • Equal Employment Opportunity (CommonwealthAuthorities) Act 1987 • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1991 • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 • Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 • Age Discrimination Act 2004 Purchase your textbook here: definitions • Discrimination – Unfair treatment of a person or minority group basedon prejudice, consisting of three types; direct, indirectand structural (or systematic).• Stereotyping – Categorising people using generalisations that are oftenbased on prejudice.• Harassment – A particular form of discrimination designed tohumiliate, offend, intimidate or otherwise make aperson feel unwelcome or inadequate. Purchase your textbook here: of discrimination • As previously outlined, there are three types ofdiscrimination: – Direct: Where an irrelevant criterion is used toexclude a person or group from an opportunity. – Indirect: Where a seemingly neutral practice ordecision advantages an individual or group. – Structural: Results from interaction of historicaldecisions, policies and social attitudes.Purchase your textbook here:"

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