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SELF REFLECTIONI have studies the concept of cross cultural



  • "SELF REFLECTIONI have studies the concept of cross cultural leadership in classroom lectures and books. Btu thereport has been helpful in increasing my knowledge and understanding to a new level in the area.I was aware of the aspect that there are c..

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  • "SELF REFLECTIONI have studies the concept of cross cultural leadership in classroom lectures and books. Btu thereport has been helpful in increasing my knowledge and understanding to a new level in the area.I was aware of the aspect that there are cultural differencesthat exist among the nation but is notaware of the factthatcultural diversity also affects the individual at work place also. I have nowrealised that understanding of cultural diversity andrelated areas arenecessaryfor an organizationin ode rot organise work and manager people. I have also learned and analysed varioustheoriesand model of the known authors developed in the field of cross cultural leadership and leadershipstyles. I also feel that I have expanded my literary analysis and writing skills with the preparation ofabove report.1 REFERENCESJournalsBegley, P., 2007. Editorial Introduction: Cross-cultural Perspectives on Authentic SchoolLeadership.Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 35(2). pp.163-164.Deng, L. and Gibson, P., 2009. Mapping and modeling the capacities that underlie effectivecross -cultural leadership. Cross Cultural Management. 16(4). pp.347-366.Frost, J. and Walker, M., 2007. Cross cultural leadership. Engineering Management. 17(3).pp.27-29.Garcia-Retamero, R. and Lopez-Zafra, E., 2009. Causal Attributions About Feminine andLeadership Roles: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.40(3). pp.492-509.Jonsson, S, 2015. Social climate and job control as mediators between empowering leadershipand learning from a cross-cultural perspective. International Journal of Cross CulturalManagement.Madzar, S., 2005. Subordinates' Information Inquiry in Uncertain Times: A Cross CulturalConsideration of Leadership Style Effect. International Journal of Cross CulturalManagement. 5(3). pp.255-274.Pounder, J., 2008. Full-range Classroom Leadership: Implications for the Cross-organizationaland Cross-cultural Applicability of the Transformational-transactionalParadigm. Leadership. 4(2). pp.115-135.2 Robertson, J. and Webber, C., 2000. Cross-cultural leadership development. Int. J. of Leadershipin Educ. 3(4). pp.315-330.Romero, E., 2004. Latin American leadership: El Patrón & El Líder Moderno. Cross CulturalManagement. 11(3). pp.25-37.Scandura, T. and Dorfman, P., 2004. Leadership research in an international and cross-culturalcontext.The Leadership Quarterly. 15(2). pp.277-307.Schyns, B., Meindl, J. and Croon, M., 2007. The Romance of Leadership Scale: Cross-culturalTesting and Refinement. Leadership. 3(1). pp.29-46.Yan, J., 2005. A Cross Cultural Perspective on Perceived Leadership Effectiveness. InternationalJournal of Cross Cultural Management. 5(1). pp.49-66.BooksDerr, C., Roussillon, S. and Bournois, F., 2002. Cross-cultural approaches to leadershipdevelopment. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books.Dickson, M., 2003. Research on leadership in a cross-cultural context: Making progress, andraising new questions. The Leadership Quarterly.Fisher-Yoshida, B. and Geller, K., 2009. Transnational leadership development. New York:AMACOM.Harris, P., Moran, R. and Moran, S., 2004. Managing cultural differences. Amsterdam:Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.Kaplan, M., 2004. Cultural ergonomics. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.3 Kessler, E. and Wong-MingJi, D. 2009. Cultural mythology and global leadership. Cheltenham:Edward Elgar.Livermore, D., 2010. Leading with cultural intelligence. New York: American ManagementAssociation.Osland, J., Rubin, I. and Kolb, D., 2001. Organizational behavior. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:Prentice Hall.Reynolds, C., 2002. Women and school leadership. Albany: State University of New York Press.OnlineAGENTS2CHANGE, 2011. Examing Culture #2 - Is Hofstede's view of Culture relevant?[PDF]. Available Through: culture-2-is-hofstedes-view-of-culure-relevant.html. [Accessed on ].Gorey, A., 2015. Top 10 Qualities of Great Leadership - Do You Have What it Takes?.[ONLINE]. Accessed Through: assessment-blog/bid/204911/Top-10-Qualities-of-Great-Leadership-Do-You-Have-What- it-Takes. [Accessed on ].Price, T., 2012. Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader. [ONLINE]. Accessed Through:< leader/> [Accessed on ].4 "

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