Assignment Document

Testing and Deployment



  • "\r\n\r\nIT Capstone 2 - Software development and implementation\r\nAPA format, must have references, total of 4 pages\r\n\r\n2 Deliverables:\r\nTesting and Product deployment (2pages): Functionality testing checklist to include brief explanation on ..

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  • "\r\n\r\nIT Capstone 2 - Software development and implementation\r\nAPA format, must have references, total of 4 pages\r\n\r\n2 Deliverables:\r\nTesting and Product deployment (2pages): Functionality testing checklist to include brief explanation on testers, deployment schedule, downtime and datamigration, rollback plan. See attachment for example.\r\n\r\nProject Closure Report (2 pages): hold a project postmortem meeting. Reflect on the experience of implementing and testing this project. Summarize your discussion in a project closure report and, at a minimum, address the following:\r\n•\tWhat is the final status of the project? Is it ready for delivery?\r\n•\tWhat went right?\r\n•\tWhat went wrong?\r\n•\tWhat steps did you take to mitigate risks and issues that surfaced?\r\n•\tWere the project outcomes better than expected?\r\n•\tWas the project completed on time? If not, why not?\r\n•\tWhat lessons did you learn that you can carry with you into future projects?\r\n\r\nContentsTesting and Deployment ................................................................................................................. 2Functionality Testing Checklist .................................................................................................. 2Testers ......................................................................................................................................... 3Deployment Schedule ................................................................................................................. 3Downtime and Data Migration .................................................................................................... 4Rollback Plan .............................................................................................................................. 4Project Closure Report: ................................................................................................................... 5Final status of the Project: ........................................................................................................... 5What went right? ......................................................................................................................... 5What went wrong? ...................................................................................................................... 6Risk Mitigation strategies: .......................................................................................................... 6Project outcome summary: .......................................................................................................... 6Lessons learnt: ............................................................................................................................. 7Testing and DeploymentFunctionality Testing ChecklistChecklist Description:The purpose of this checklist is to ensure that all stakeholder requirements are met, and that alldesign specifications are within budgetary and technical constraints.Project Name: Review Date: IT488-1702B-01 IT Capstone II Reviewer: Signature: General Design Comments Does the general design of the system meet the requirements of the customer?Is the system compliant and adherent to the norms defined by the company/ client?Is the user interface easy to handle and understand? Does all the software and hardware essentials of the system work properly?Is the user interface distraction-free? (All standard colors used and no flashy colors used)Adoptability Comments Will the system be easily adaptable by all its users?Any training required for the users to the initial usage and adoptability?Will the implementation impact the job tasks in a negative way?Is the system free from harmful/ hazardous effects that cause environmental and human damage?Does the system accessibility intend the actual purpose?Are there any features present that should be removed? Performance Reliability Comments Do the screens appear to be quick when it comes to loading?Functionality Testing ChecklistDo the performance expectations of the system meet the daily job task needs and your expectations? Does the system hang at any point of time? Productivity/ Operations Impact Comments Will the new system enhance your daily operations or efficiency in work? Will the system thoroughly replace the traditional methods followed in the daily operations? Are there any unforeseen burdens placed on your position due to the new system?Are technical and help documents readily available for the helping the users? Accessibility and Security Comments Are the user IDs given their respective accesses?Are the relevant content displayed should be appropriate to the different levels of users? Is the system secure enough for all the information to be kept confidential? Testers? Design the test cases/ Elaborate the use cases with a broader picture and various Out ofthe box scenarios.? Perform testing on a usability perspective.? Execute the test cases, log and track the defects.? Perform regression testing with execution of regression suite.? Perform test closure activities and verify items on the checklist and sign-off the systemfor UAT.Deployment ScheduleThe major deployments will occur: "

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