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Work Breakdown Structure



  • " WORK BREAKDOWNSTRUCTUREExpertThe project is about the work breakdown structure. Itmeans to complete the task and project on time. Theproject team has divided the big task into small parts tomake it possible to deliver on time [ T y p e t h e c o m ..

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  • " WORK BREAKDOWNSTRUCTUREExpertThe project is about the work breakdown structure. Itmeans to complete the task and project on time. Theproject team has divided the big task into small parts tomake it possible to deliver on time [ T y p e t h e c o m p a n y a d d r e s s ][ T y p e t h e p h o n e n u m b e r ][ T y p e t h e f a x n u m b e r ][ P i c k t h e d a t e ] WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURETABLE OF CONTENTSFundamentals of WBS…………….…………………………………………2WBS chart to build shed………..……………………………………………3Dependency.......................................................................................................4Dependency chart….…………………………………………………………5Pert chat………………………………………………………………………6Cost estimation………………………………….…………………………....7 Earned value management….........................................................................8Significance of EVM………………………………………………………….9References........................................................................................................10 1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREQues.1 what is the fundamental approach to planning and creating WBS?Ans. Work break structure is the hierarchical decomposition of the work delivered to the team into smallsections to complete the project goals timely and create the proper deliverables. In large scaleorganization the project team used to divide the work to make it more clear and precise or to avoid chaos.Sometimes improper handling of the work lead not incomplete work and project team lack the capabilityto take steps who are actually not working properly. By properly deliverables the team has supposed toanswer why they have not complete the task on time. The Fundamental approach to planning and creating WBS are:? The Work Breakdown Structure helps the project to work more accurately and specificallyorganize the total project into small sections.? The Work Breakdown Structure can also do by having hierarchical tree structure, so it divides thework into small chunk for its proper work done.? It also help is assigning the task to every team member in small section. Then, each member willbe praised and punished for the work done or undone. The project team may check it properly thereasons for undone. ? Work Breakdown Structure finally helps in the double check all the work and at the same timemakes sure it’s not overlapping (Servello, 2007).2 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREQues.2 Create a WBS for your own project such as building a garden shed. Try and limit the workpackages for around 20-25. If you have to go over then its fine –this is just to give an idea.S.NO. WBS NAME DURATION1. 1 Build a garden shed 30 days(suppose)2. 1.1 10 days Plan 13. 1.1.1 Setting shape&color 5 days4. 1.1.2 Adding shading 5 days5. 1.2 Code: 10 days6. 1.2.1 Positioning of nodes: 6 daysUsing matrix, absolutely7. 1.2.2 Relatively & using 4 daysoverlays8. 1.2.3 Test 10 days9. 1.3 Resizing, arrow 5 dayslibrary, bending10. 1.3.1 Shortening, default 5 daysarrow TOTAL DAYS30 (for the completionof the project)3 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREIn the above chart, the project is about building a garden shed. For the proper delivery of the work ontime, the project team has decided to pre-plan the task so as to complete the delivery. The project hasbeen divided into three parts: Plan, Code & Test. The planning is done to avoid chaos and for proper workof building a garden shed. Planning consists of setting the shape and color of the garden shed. It is thefoundation of setting up of the shed. Then the project team fixes code of the project which is positioningof nodes using matrix, absolutely, relatively and overlay. Then after the completion of the project, theteam has decided to test the project by resizing, arrow library, shortening & bending. The project timeduration is for 30 days. Each task has to go around 5 days to complete the task.Ques. 3 Define Dependency? What are the three general types of dependency? Use a graphic ordiagram to illustrate the same?Ans. Dependency is the state of being dependent or the state of relying on something to get the task orwork to be done. It can also mean being dependent on something that is physically habitual or habit form.There are three general types of Dependencies:? Upstream Internal Dependency – These are the small and important things that your projectdepends upon happening earlier that something can happen. These things used to happen in theupstream and need to flow down at all different levels. For example: software building forcompany is the upstream dependency.4 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE? Upstream External Dependency – These dependencies needs to be happen before any task ofthe project taken place. For example: A new shop or office has to be open before it stocks itsproducts. There is no use of starting a new business if you have nothing to show. Building anoffice or start a new business is not need of the time before stocking the products. It’s importantfor every person before starting any new task, it must start with proper planning andimplementation(Hassan& Baumgartner, 2006).? Downstream Internal Dependency- These are the kinds of dependencies that the goal of theproject or any initiative have on your project. The chain of the project team has to workaccordingly. Below is the diagram how to conduct dependency of the project:In the above diagram, there are six task of the project team. The team has to work accordingly tocomplete the all task on time. So, they decided to divide the big project into small sections for timelydelivery. According to the above diagram the task 2 is depend upon task 1. So, when the task1 teamcompletes the work on time then task2 team will be able to start the work further. Same is with the task3,if the task1 team completes the task on time then only task 2&3 will be able to start further and vice- versa.5 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREQues.4Using a Plan B scheduling software setup a project (AoN) for the project shown below, thendisplay a pert chart for the project.DETAILS IN THE FORM OF PERT CHARTMADE IN MS WORD ITSELF Task A B C D EElement of A can start B can start When b A&C C needdependencies immediately immediately needs to need to to bebe be completecomplete completeCapital5000 10,000 8,000 12,000 9,000expenditureDuration4 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 1weeks 2 weeksTotal hours160 160 80 40 80Working 40 40 40 40 40hours in aweek Ques.5 how will you review the resource information status in the project? Please list the stepswhile reviewing the resource information?Ans. To review the resource information status in the project, we need to make project summary to knowwhat is exactly in the project. Today many companies are adopting reviewing the resource informationstatus in the project. This helps the project managers to understand project development.These are the steps to review the resource information:6 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE? The project must contain project summary so that it must be easy for project manager to givetheir review in detail. There are lots of activities for them to involve in so, the summary helps tomanage their time.? The project must have open view for risk and changes implemented. The team must take care ofthe summary that it should contain all issues regarding the risk and changes implemented thereof.? The summary for reviewing the project status must have the task schedule to each member. Theweekly report of task scheduling must be there.? It must contain when the project start, when it finished. It must carry all the proper dates anddetails about the project (John, 2004).Ques. 6 Give a cost estimate for the project referred in above question without contingencies?Please include carpex (labor) and materials?Ans. The table below is the solution:Labor A B C D EElement of Starts Starts Starts Starts Startsdependencies(without immediately immediately immediately immediately immediatelyContegencies)Capital expenditure 5000 10000 8000 12000 9000Duration 4 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 1 weeks 2 weeksTotal hours 40 hours 40 hours 40 hours 40 hours 40 hoursCost estimation 5000*28/40 10,000*28/40 8000*14/40 12000*7/40 9000*14/40= Rs.3125 =Rs.6250 =Rs.2800 =Rs2100 =Rs.31507 "

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