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legitimate states around the world and that countering the



  • "legitimate states around the world and that countering the form of extremism committed by thegroup will be far from smooth (Cockburn 2014; Dhiman 2015; Nuruzzaman 2015). In addition,researchers tend to agree that the terrorist group and the conflict..

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  • "legitimate states around the world and that countering the form of extremism committed by thegroup will be far from smooth (Cockburn 2014; Dhiman 2015; Nuruzzaman 2015). In addition,researchers tend to agree that the terrorist group and the conflicts within which it operates areboth innately extraordinary with respect to complexity and flexibility due to a broad array offactors.The existing body of the literature on ISIS and counterterrorism efforts underscores thesignificance of coalition efforts in the ongoing war against ISIS. Similarly, while researcherstend to agree on the significant contribution of counterterrorism efforts, there is a considerablelevel of disagreement in the extent to which anti-ISIS efforts and policies have been effective(Leigh 2014; Pollard, Poplack and Casey 2015; Providence Research 2014). Nonetheless, thereis a consensus from the current literature that the sophisticated structure of ISIS, its robustpropaganda strategy, and challenges resulting from a multi-state involvement in the fightagainst ISIS contribute to the limited success of U.S. foreign policy efforts against ISIS(Blanchard and Humud 2016; Lahoud and Collins 2016). 16 ReferencesAbadie, Alberto. "Poverty, political freedom and the roots of terrorism." American EconomicReview, 2006: 50-56.Abrahms, Max. "What terrorists really want: Terrorist motives and counterterrorism strategy."International Security 32, no. 4 (2008): 78-105.Andrew, Mack. "Why big nations lose small wars: The poltiics of asymmetric conflict." WorldPolitics 27, no. 2 (January 1975): 175-200.Arreguin-Toft, Ivan. "How the weak win wars: A theory of asymmetric conflict." InternationalSecurity 26, no. 1 (2001): 93-128.Ashour, Omar. "Why does the Islamic State endure and expand?" 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