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country is grappling from such as cultural survival for



  • "country is grappling from such as cultural survival for Tamils. Thus, very less focus is led toimprove the international trade and make it a path for development.6. FUTURE PROSPECTUSThis paper has analyzed India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka’s foreign tra..

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  • "country is grappling from such as cultural survival for Tamils. Thus, very less focus is led toimprove the international trade and make it a path for development.6. FUTURE PROSPECTUSThis paper has analyzed India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka’s foreign trade situation taking total exports and totalimports into consideration. It concluded by proving the Marshall-Lerner Condition in all the countries. Buteven then the exports are not able to rise to the potential level and the credit to this goes to the domesticconstraints except from some world economic situation in all the three countries. Therefore, this paperprovides the track on which they and especially India can walk to achieve the level of a developed country.The conclusion can be used to form major policies contributing to the development. The study can be further extended by analyzing the manufacturing sector and the important industries whichis considered to be the backbone of the economy as it fuels growth, productivity and employment andstrengthens other sectors of the economy. REFERENCES1. Agarwal, Vibhuti.India Considering Financial Incentives for Sugar Exports; Cash-Starved Industry Lookingto Cut Huge Stockpiles and Pay Cane Farmers Wall Street Journal (Online) [New York, N.Y] 11 Feb 2015:n/a.2. Alexander, S.S. (1952). “Effect of Devaluation on a Trade Balance”. International Monetary Fund Staffs, 2,263 -78.3. Bahmani-Oskooee, M. (1985). “Devaluation and JCurve: Some evidence from LDCs”. The Review ofEconomics and Statistics, 67(3):500 – 504.4. Bickerdike, C. F. (1920), “The Instability of Foreign Exchange”, The economics Journal, March.5. Boyd, D., Caporale, G.M. and Smith, R. (2001). “Real Exchange Rate Effects on the Balance of Trade:Cointegration and the Marshall-Lerner condition”. International Journal of Finance and Economics,6:187 –200.6. Dickey, D. A and Fuller, W.A. (1979). “Distribution of Estimators for Autoregessive Time Series with a unitRoot”. Journal of American Statistical Association, 74: 427 – 431.7. Eita, Joel Hinaunye (2013) Estimation Of The Marshall-Lerner Condition For Namibia, InternationalBusiness & Economics Research Journal, vol. 12,no.5, May, pp. 511-517.8. Engle, R. F, and Granger, C.W. (1987). “Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, andTesting”. Econometrica, Vol. 50, 987 – 276.9. Faini, R., Pritchett, L. and Clavijo, F. (1988). “Import Demand in Developing Countries”. CountryEconomics Department, the World Bank. WPS 12210. Johansen, S. and Jesulius, K. (1990). “Maximum likelihood estimation and inference on cointegration: withApplication to the Demand for Money”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 52, 169 – 210.11. Kee, H. L, Nicita, A. and Olarreaga, M. (2004). “Estimating Import Demand and Export Supply Elasticities”.Development Research Group, The World Bank, Washington D.C. 20433 USA.12. Kindleberger, C. (1973). “International Economics. Home wood: Irwin, Inc. Ministry of Finance andEconomic Development”. Economic Report, various issues. Government Printers.13. Lerner, A. P. (1944). “The Economics of Control: Principles of Welfare Economics”. The MacmillanCompany, N.Y. 14. Marshall, A. (1923). “Money, Credit and Commerce”. London, Macmillan. Maylene, Y.D. and Agbola, F.W.(n.d). “Estimating the Long-Run Effects of Exchange change Rate Devaluation on the Trade Balance ofSouth Africa”. School of Business and Economics, Monash University South Africa Campus.15. Miles, M.A. (1979). “Effect of Devaluation on the Trade Balance and Balance of Payments: Some NewResults”. Journal of Political Economy, June, 1979.16.Ministry of Commerce & Industry, India, Report on Commodity Profile for Sugar-August2015, 10thAugust, 2015.17. Rajeev Jain and J. B. Singh(2009), Trade Pattern in SAARC Countries: Emerging Trends and Issues, ReserveBank of India Occasional Papers, Vol. 30, No.3, Winter 2009.18. Sugar Industry In India: An Exploratory Study , International Journal of Trade & Global BusinessPerspectives© Pezzottaite Journals.,Volume 3, Number 3, July - September’ 201419. - The source of the data. "

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