Assignment Document

The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems CHAPTER 3 JUMP, LOOP, AND CALL INSTRUCTIONS



  • "Assignment Due Today (Week 4)? Chapter 2 Homework:– Problems: ? Section 2.1: #6? Section 2.3:#19? Section 2.4:#26? Section 2.5:#29 ? Section 2.6:#37, 38? Section 2.7:#44, 451The 8051 Microcontroller andEmbedded SystemsCHAPTER 3JUMP, LOOP, ANDCALL IN..

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  • "Assignment Due Today (Week 4)? Chapter 2 Homework:– Problems: ? Section 2.1: #6? Section 2.3:#19? Section 2.4:#26? Section 2.5:#29 ? Section 2.6:#37, 38? Section 2.7:#44, 451The 8051 Microcontroller andEmbedded SystemsCHAPTER 3JUMP, LOOP, ANDCALL INSTRUCTIONS2 CHAPTER 3 - OUTLINE? SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMP INSTRUCTIONS? SECTION 3.2: CALL INSTRUCTIONS? SECTION 3.3: TIME DELAY FOR VARIOUS 8051 CHIPS4 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS5 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONSLooping? Repeating a sequence of instructions a certain number oftimes is called a loop.? The loop action is performed by the instruction – DJNZ reg, label.– The register is decremented– If it is not zero, it jumps to the target address referred to bythe label6 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS7 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS? Looping in the 8051– Problem 1In the 8051, looping action with the instruction "DJNZRx, rel address" is limited to _______ iterations.Answer :8 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS? Looping in the 8051– Problem 1In the 8051, looping action with the instruction "DJNZRx, rel address" is limited to _______ iterations.Answer : 2569 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS? Looping in the 8051– Problem 1In the 8051, looping action with the instruction "DJNZ Rx, reladdress" is limited to _______ iterations.Answer : 256– Problem 2 If a conditional jump is not taken, what is the nextinstruction to be executed? Answer :10 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS? Looping in the 8051– Problem 1In the 8051, looping action with the instruction "DJNZ Rx, reladdress" is limited to _______ iterations.Answer : 256– Problem 2 If a conditional jump is not taken, what is the nextinstruction to be executed? Answer : the instruction following the jump11 Loop inside a loop? What happens if we want to repeat an action moretimes than 256? 12 Loop inside a loop? What happens if we want to repeat an action moretimes than 256? – we use a loop inside a loop:? nested loop? We use multiple registers to hold the count13 Loop inside a loopNested Loop Example 3-314 SECTION 3.1: LOOP AND JUMPINSTRUCTIONS? Other conditional jumps16 Other conditional jumps ? JZ (jump if A = 0) – In this instruction the content of register A ischecked. ? If it is zero, it jumps to the target address.– JZ instruction can be used only for register A. 17 "

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