Assignment Document

The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems CHAPTER 1 THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLERS



  • "Assignments Due Today – Week 2 ? Homework: – Problems: 1, 5, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25 All Assignments? Lab: Must Be Typed – 8051_Lab0 1The 8051 Microcontroller andEmbedded Systems CHAPTER 1 THE 8051MICROCONTROLLERS 2OUTLINES ? Microcontrollers and embedde..

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  • "Assignments Due Today – Week 2 ? Homework: – Problems: 1, 5, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25 All Assignments? Lab: Must Be Typed – 8051_Lab0 1The 8051 Microcontroller andEmbedded Systems CHAPTER 1 THE 8051MICROCONTROLLERS 2OUTLINES ? Microcontrollers and embedded processors ? Overview of the 8051 family 3SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS What is the difference between a microprocessorand microcontroller?5SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor ? General-purpose microprocessors contain ? No RAM ? No ROM ? No I/O ports 6SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor (cont.) Figure 1–1 Microprocessor System Contrasted With Microcontroller System 7SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor (cont.) ? General-purpose microprocessors ? Must add RAM, ROM, I/O ports, and timersexternally to make them functional ? Make the system bulkier and much moreexpensive ? Have the advantage of versatility on the amountof RAM, ROM, and I/O ports 8SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor (cont.) ? General-purpose microprocessors contains ? No RAM ? No ROM ? No I/O ports ? Microcontroller has ? CPU (microprocessor) ? RAM ? ROM ? I/O ports ? Timer 9 ? ADC and other peripheralsSECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor (cont.) Figure 1–1 Microprocessor System Contrasted With Microcontroller System 10SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontroller versus general-purposemicroprocessor (cont.) ? Microcontroller ? The fixed amount of on-chip ROM, RAM, and number of I/Oports makes them ideal for many applications in which costand space are critical ? In many applications, the space it takes, the power itconsumes, and the price per unit are much more criticalconsiderations than the computing power ? Example: a TV remote control 11SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontrollers for embedded systems ? An embedded product uses a microprocessor (ormicrocontroller) to do one task and one task only ? There is only one application ? Example: a printer:? getting the data and printing it 12SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontrollers for embedded systems (cont.) ? A PC, in contrast with the embedded system, can beused for any number of applications ? It has RAM memory and an operating system that loads a varietyof applications into RAM and lets the CPU run them ? A PC contains or is connected to various embedded products ? Each one peripheral has a microcontroller inside it thatperforms only one task 13SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS Microcontrollers for embedded systems (cont.) Table 1–1Some Embedded ProductsUsing Microcontrollers 14SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS X86 PC embedded applications ? Many manufactures of general-purposemicroprocessors have targeted their microprocessorfor the high end of the embedded market ? There are times that a microcontroller is inadequate for thetask 15SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERSAND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS X86 PC embedded applications (cont.) ? When a company targets a general purposemicroprocessor for the embedded market,? it optimizes the processor used for embedded systems ? Very often the terms embedded processor andmicrocontroller are used interchangeably 16"

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