Vital Statistics Rates and Ratios Assignment Help

Vital Statistics - Vital Statistics Rates and Ratios

Statistics >> vital statistics rates and ratios

A rate is a fraction such that the numerator is included within the denominator. The rate is a number between 0 and 1. In vital statistics these rates are normally expressed per some convenient base such as 1000 or 1,000,00, a large enough multiple of 10 being chosen so that the resulting rate is greater than 1. The rate describes the rapidity with which a given event is occurring.

Rate of a vital event    =             

No of occurrences of the Vital Event/ total no of persons exposed to risk of the occurance of the event             


The study of data that are qualitative in many ways simpler than is the study of measurement data. The count of the no. of individuals with a given qualitative charac­teristic is compared with the count of the no. having a second qualitative characteristic by forming a ratio. For example

Sex ratio = no of females / no of males


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