Measurement of Fertility Assignment Help

Vital Statistics - Measurement of Fertility

Statistics >> Measurement of Fertility

Fertility is a result of fecundity the physiological capacity to reproduce. Fertility can exist only among fecund women. In demography the term fertility refers to the actual production of children. Fertility must be distinguished from fecundity. In the measurement of population growth 'fertility' has a significant role. Fertility is a concept which is primarily concerned with the number of live births.  

1.      Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

The CBR for any given population is obtained by dividing the number of live births recorded during a period by its total population and multiplying this fraction by 1000. Thus CBR is the number of live births per thousand of population.


CBR = {BX1000/{P


{B = Total no. of live births registered during the calender year

{P = Total mean population of the same region during the same period.

This rate is called crude because all the differences in the composition between population are ignored in calculating it.


It is easy to find CBR because figures which are needed for finding out it are easily available.


It is not a probability rate since in the denominator whole population is taken which is not exposed to the risk of producing children, Also the age and sex factors of the population are not considered here. 

2.      General Fertility Rate (GFR)

OFR is defined as the number of children born alive per thousand women of child bearing age, in a given area during a given period.

GFR = No of live births in a given area during a given period X 100 / no of women of child bearing age in given region during given period

In our country child bearing age is taken as 15-49 years. Symbolically. 





It is a probability rate. It takes into account the sex composition of the population and also the age composition to a certain extent.



The fecundity of women in all age groups is not the same. In our country fecundity is low in the age group 15-19 but it increases very rapidly in the age group 20-24 and only slightly in 25-29 after which it gradually declines. Also marital status women has an impact on fertility rates. These facts are not considered in GFR.


3.      Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR)

Here fertility rates are calculated seperately for various age-groups of females of child bearing age. ASFR may be defined as the number of live births during a year, per thousand women of a particular age group. ASFR is given by 




nBx = No. of live births to females in the age group (x, x + n) in the given region during the given period.

 = No. of females in the age group (x, x + n) in the given region during the given period .

nIx = ASFR in the above age group

If we put n = 1 in the formula of nix we get annual ASFR

ix  =  Bx X 1000 / fPx


In ASFR it is considered that women in all ages do not have the same reproductive capacity and that changes with ages. With the help of ASFR, 'Total Fertity Rate (TFR) is possible to calculate.


It is very difficult to compare the overall fertility situations of two regions by ASFR because it is very likely that the rates will be higher or lower in one region than the other' in some age groups.


4.      Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

TFR is the total of ASFR and can be obtained by summing up of birth rates at each age group throughout the child bearing age. The TFR gives the total number of expected births to 1000 females in their entire child-bearing span of life if none of these 1000 females dies before passing through the child 'bearing age and all are subject to the observed fertility rates throughout the period;




TFR is an index of the overall fertility of the community. 


TFR is a hypothetical figure since the above mentioned assumptions are completely hypothetical. 


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Measurement of Fertility Assignment Help, Measurement of Fertility Homework Help, Measurement of Fertility Tutors, Measurement of Fertility Solutions, Measurement of Fertility Tutors, Crude Birth Rate CBR, General Fertility Rate GFR, Age-Specific Fertility Rate ASFR,  Total Fertility Rate TFR

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