Statistics >> Co-efficient of Variation
To compare the variability of two series, the relative measure of dispersion based 'on standard deviation called the co-efficient of standard deviation is used.
Co-efficient of SD = 0-/x
The co-efficient of SD multiplied by 100 gives the co-efficient of variation. This was introduced by Karl Pearson,
Co-efficient of variation = (0-/x)100
It indicates the relationship between the SD and the AM expressed in percentage. This is a pure' number independent of units.
For comparing the variability in two sets of data we compute the CV for each, The CV having higher CV has higher degree of variability.
For a distribution, the co-efficient of variation is 35.3% and the value of arithmetic mean is 4. Find the value of SD.
CV = (σ/X) 100
σ = CV * X / 100
= 35.33x4/100 = 1.412
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