Statistics >> Bivariate Distribution
In case of univariate data, the data are collected by studing only one characteristic e.g. the mean height of students in a college, each observation represents the height of each student. But many situations arise in which we may have to study two or more variables simultaneously, Such type of data lead to Bi-variate or Multi-variate distributions depending upon the number of characteristics under study e.g. if we study the students of a college with respect to height and weight the data obtained is known as bi-variate data. The concept can be generalised for multivariate data. A few examples of bi-variate distributions may be
(i) the income and expenditure of a group of families
(ii) the price and demand of a set of commodities
(iii) age of husbands and age of wives
(iv) the amount of fertilizers used and yield of a certain crop etc.
For bivariate data we take (xi, yi); i = 1,2, ...... n and the frequency distribution is called bivariate frequency distribution which is expressed in the form
If x denotes height and y weight, then f1 individuals having height x1 and weighty y1 ; f2 individuals height x2 and weighty, and so on. In case of a grouped frequency distribution the data can be presented in a two way table.
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