Intercepts and equation of a line

Intercepts are points through which a straight line passes when the straight line passes through the y-axis. Then this is the y-intercept, on the other hand when a straight line passes through the x-axis. You call it the x-intercept of the line. The intercepts are the line through which the straight line passes. You can use an intercepts calculator, to find an equation of a line. Consider an equation of line y = mx+ c, where "c" is the y-intercept. But the equation of the line also passes through the x-axis. The equation 5x+6y= 7 is also an equation of the line, it also has both the x-intercept and y-intercept.  You can use an x and y intercept calculator to find both the x and y-intercept simultaneously.

A line with one intercept:

A line parallel to the x-axis and y-axis has only one intercept, the main reason behind that it is parallel to one of the axes. These linens equations would be like y=5, x=7, etc. This means the equation of the line will not cross or intercept one of the axes. The intercepts calculator can be used to find the x and y intercepts of the straight line.

Example of line with one intercept:

Consider the line x= 3, it is passing the x-axis at the point "3" only to the x-axis. The main reason behind it is that the line is not crossing the y-axis at any point, as the line is parallel to the y-axis.2327_line_intercepts.jpg


You can find the equation of a straight line parallel to one of the axes by the x-intercept calculator. The main reason behind one intercept is that the straight line equation like x=3 is parallel to the y-axis. It means the equation of the line x=3 is never going to cross the y-axis.

How to find intercepts?

Consider the slope-intercept form of an equation, it intersects the line at a point given below:                                          y = mx + c

Now replace the y-intercept "c" with the  "b"

                                                      y = mx + b

                                              b = y - mx

Where "b" is the intercept of a line and "m" is the slope of the line equation. Just use the,x and y intercept calculator to find the intercept of a line.

How to determine  X and Y Intercepts?  

Let's suppose the equation of line 6x + 4y = 24, we are going to find the x-intercepts and y-intercepts.            

X intercept of the 6x + 4y = 24 : 

We need to substitute the y= 0 in the equation  6x + 4y = 24

6x + 4(0) = 24

6x = 24

x = 24/6

x= 4

The intercepts calculator can be used to find the x-intercept of the straight line.

Y-intercept of the equation 6x + 4y = 24 :

For getting the y-intercept just enter the  x=0,

6x + 4y = 24


 x =0

6(0) + 4y = 24

4y = 24

y = 24/4

y = 6

The intercepts calculator can be used to find the y-intercept of the straight line.

Check the intercept:

For check-in, have you found the correct x-intercept and y-intercept, enter them in the equation of the line. If the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side. It means you have measured the correct intercept:

Now consider the equation:

6(0) + 4y = 24

Now put the value of the y-intercept:



It means you have determined a correct intercept of the straight line.


The x and y intercepts are the points through which an equation of the line passes. It may be possible that one of the lines has only one intercept, in this condition, you need to understand that the straight line is parallel to the x-axis or y-axis.

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